How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?

My Lab mix is kept on a leash. When he escapes he runs up to my neighbors house and chases their dogs around the lot. When I try to call him, he ignores me, when I go towards him he runs away. He comes back hours later with his tail between his legs. How…

    How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?

    My Lab mix is kept on a leash. When he escapes he runs up to my neighbors house and chases their dogs around the lot. When I try to call him, he ignores me, when I go towards him he runs away. He comes back hours later with his tail between his legs. How…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my dog from running away when he gets loose from his leash?...

    • SAy COME (w/ name at first--then lose name) ....Reward him and repeat...he will associate "come" w/ reward and will be all yours;) I promise:-) It's a beautiful thing!

    • A fenced yard is better than a staked leash.The fence is for the protection of your dog. It keeps your dog in your yard and the neighbor's dogs out.You may find the neighbor dogs harassing your dog when they get out too. Basic training will get your dog to come when called. You leash train them, then gradually use a longer and lighter leash that the dog does not feel...unless they fail to respond to your voice.Eventually a leash is not necessary because your dog will respond every time.