What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog?

Why do dogs hump legs? I simply don't get the attraction.

    What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog?

    Why do dogs hump legs? I simply don't get the attraction....
    General Dog Discussions : What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog?...

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    • What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog?

      What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog? General Dog Discussions
      Why do dogs hump legs? I simply don't get the attraction.

      What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog?

      What is it about a human leg that dogs confuse as being another dog? General Dog Discussions
    • It is partly dominance, and partly sexual frustration. Also, being overly excited can trigger humping. They do it to other dogs to, but since many dogs are only around humans, they can transfer the behavior if allowed.

    • The dog is not confused and does not think your leg is another dog.It's either displaying dominance on you or it's frustrated/stressed/bored. Whatever the reason, it shouldn't be allowed to do this. Give it a stern "no!", grab it by its collar and pull it down until all four paws are placed firmly on the ground, then praise.Make sure your dog gets plenty of physical and metal exercise. All dogs should get at least 1 hour of exercise a day, if you have a high-active breed you're looking at a minimum of 2 hours a day.