What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat?

I have had Betsy for about a week now. She is 6 years old. I have tried talking to her, brushing her and for a little while she responded. But now she seems even more frightened than last week. I am at a loss.

    What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat?

    I have had Betsy for about a week now. She is 6 years old. I have tried talking to her, brushing her and for a little while she responded. But now she seems even more frightened than last week. I am at a loss....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat?...

    • What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat?

      What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat? Other Pet Discussions
      I have had Betsy for about a week now. She is 6 years old. I have tried talking to her, brushing her and for a little while she responded. But now she seems even more frightened than last week. I am at a loss.

      What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat?

      What is the best way to draw out a really frightened cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • If this is a new adoption for you, you just have to give her time. I remember when I first got both of my cats, they hid under my bed and couch for the first couple of weeks only coming out to eat and use the kitty box. If you've already been able to pet and brush her consider that as a good sign! Do you know if she was with other kitties at her previous home? It could be that because of the new environment and lack of other cats to socialize with she's just unsure of her current environment and whether or not she may be taken from your home too. All you can do is have patience, and keep trying to connect with her. She'll come out and be her normal self in time.

    • You have to put yourself in the cat's paws. I would aproach very calm-like with a few cat treats in my hand. When doing this, DON'T stand up strait! That may frighten the cat more because of the size matter.you could try hunching over or crawling. then, let the cat sniff u and get use to u'r scent. when the cat seames semi-calm give it the treats. one at a time works best. If u can't get close enough to the cat to do so, stay in one place, don't keep comeing at the cat, it might run away. u have to be slow and gentle with this cat. It worked 4 me.

    • Make a trail of cat treats or use some string, my cats LOVE string and draws them out all of the time. You also may want to give her a little more time to get accustomed to her surroundings she may have been abused if you adopted her. If she's not eating or drinking put the food and water by her hiding spot.

    • Try using food and leaving the room. Don't try to rush her, or you will scare her even more. Let her come to you and smell your hand. Don't do anything sudden, either.

    • Leave food and leave her alone. If she gets lonely she will come out. Never move fast - it sounds like the cat is skittish. Ears and sound may be too great for it, also cats naturally like to hide. NEVER HIT THE CAT or it will never trust you again.