What can you do if your dog have severe allegies?

I have a Westie and it seems he has a severe case of allergies. He keeps itching his skin and hurting himself.The Vet already gave him Benadryl, and a shot. I'm buying vitamins (3 V caps) and may be changing his diet. Is there something else I can do?

    What can you do if your dog have severe allegies?

    I have a Westie and it seems he has a severe case of allergies. He keeps itching his skin and hurting himself.The Vet already gave him Benadryl, and a shot. I'm buying vitamins (3 V caps) and may be changing his diet. Is there something else I can do?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What can you do if your dog have severe allegies?...

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    • What can you do if your dog have severe allegies?

      What can you do if your dog have severe allegies? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a Westie and it seems he has a severe case of allergies. He keeps itching his skin and hurting himself.The Vet already gave him Benadryl, and a shot. I'm buying vitamins (3 V caps) and may be changing his diet. Is there something else I can do?

      What can you do if your dog have severe allegies?

      What can you do if your dog have severe allegies? Other Pet Discussions
    • Westies are known for their allergies....The vet knows best and I would follow his direction only. If you add any more or reduce what he has prescribed, you could make your dog worse.

    • There are some things to can do to try to identify and reduce your pet's contact with the substance that is making him so itchy. Also there are products you can try (holistic and otherwise) to soothe the skin. Check the links below (or do a search on 'canine allergies) and be sure to check with your vet before trying anything and make sure it is in line with his treatment! Best of luck!