What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter?

I sleep with fours of my English bull dogs everynight.But two of them (will be one year old in Jan 19), especially the girl doesn't like to sleep at night. She will play her toys and bitting and chewing on my comforter and pillows til 3 am. What should I…

    What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter?

    I sleep with fours of my English bull dogs everynight.But two of them (will be one year old in Jan 19), especially the girl doesn't like to sleep at night. She will play her toys and bitting and chewing on my comforter and pillows til 3 am. What should I…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter?...

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    • What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter?

      What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter? Other Pet Discussions
      I sleep with fours of my English bull dogs everynight.But two of them (will be one year old in Jan 19), especially the girl doesn't like to sleep at night. She will play her toys and bitting and chewing on my comforter and pillows til 3 am. What should I do to make her sleep at night?She does have exercise in the daytime.

      What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter?

      What should I do if my dog does not sleep at night, and bite off my furniture and comforter? Other Pet Discussions
    • Turn on a radio or tv in another room so that even if the one that doesn't like to sleep at night won't have to bother you for noise. Another thing maybe that she just wants more attention from you and that is her way of getting it. Think about how you react to her pulling at the pillows. If she is wagging her tail she thinks it is play time.

    • What is your reaction when your dog does this? She's telling you it's playtime and wanting your attention -- if you respond in any way (even if it's to say "Bad Girl!"), she will perceive that as attention. In other words, she'll feel like she succeeded and will keep biting your comforter and pillow. She's also still relatively young. Dogs usually take until 1.5 years old to really mature and stop doing the things you mentioned (there are individual exceptions, of course).I would have one tiring play session with her about an hour before bedtime. Then, as part of yoru bedtime routine, remove her toys and extra pillows from your bed. Then everyone goes to bed calmly, and you ignore her attempts to play. If she keeps it up, then give her a "time out." Gently lead her to another room, close the door and say "Time out." Wait 30 seconds (no longer, or else she'll forget why she's there) and then let her out and into the bedroom again. Each time she acts inappropriately, repeat. Soon she will get the idea that bedtime means sleep.Another alternative is to crate her at night. It's not punishment -- it's a way to keep her safe when you're not awake, so she doesn't start choking on something. She may feel anxious while you're asleep. Having her own little space in the same room as you and her "siblings" might put her more at ease.

    • She needs to be put in a crate. I have a female Bully that did the same thing, and it's not for my attention because she went and played in the livingroom every night..lol..and I awoke to the destruction every morning. The crate solved the problem.