What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium?

I got a 200 g. aquarium recently and I am trying to find cheap but beautiful plants that will flourish easily. I already have java ferns, red leaf lugdwigia, and hornswort. Any suggestions?

    What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium?

    I got a 200 g. aquarium recently and I am trying to find cheap but beautiful plants that will flourish easily. I already have java ferns, red leaf lugdwigia, and hornswort. Any suggestions?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium?...

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    • What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium?

      What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
      I got a 200 g. aquarium recently and I am trying to find cheap but beautiful plants that will flourish easily. I already have java ferns, red leaf lugdwigia, and hornswort. Any suggestions?

      What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium?

      What kind of plants are good for a 200 gallon aquarium? Other Pet Discussions
    • keep doing what you're doing, get more of plants that do well, and don't get more of ones that don't.. It's a big enough tank you should buy one of everything you can find to see which ones grow bushy and thrive, and which get spindly and rot. If you have appropriate lighting you should see which are doing best in a few weeks, and make another purchase of those. Faster growing plants will do more for consuming waste than slower plants. As long as you have thriving plants by the time you start adding fish and fish food, then the plants should outcompete the algae and you'll have a good looking tank. Use RO filtered water if you can for some if not all of your water. Or at least age your water a week before using. Too much water conditioners can be slightly harmful, so aerate and age the water so less can be used.

    • water wisteriawater spriteSagittariaswords (some are really cool and grow tall leaves out of the tank!)water lillies are very nice, but do put up lilly pads so need trimmed.red rubins are prettyCorkscrew Vallisneria are very nice and easy and spread readilyAnacharis is easyI love all ludwigia, try some different types. I think the kind you have is what I know as water primrose or broad leaf ludwigia, Ludwigia repens, but if not, that is a great plant to add. If so, the thinner leafed ludwigia is a similarly hardy plant that grows well but is not too similar, like Ludwigia inclinata. Rotala is a similar looking plant and another fine choice.I also like pennywort (aka moneywort).I also have a lot of luck with Cryptos, just acclimate new specimen as otherwise they "melt" which is just a reaction to change in water parameters. They often will recover from the melt, but will not "melt" if you acclimate them well.