How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside?

My pearl tiel flew out the door in November. I am still searching for her. Is there any hope of finding her?

    How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside?

    My pearl tiel flew out the door in November. I am still searching for her. Is there any hope of finding her?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside?...

    • How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside?

      How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside? Other Pet Discussions
      My pearl tiel flew out the door in November. I am still searching for her. Is there any hope of finding her?

      How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside?

      How do I find a cockatiel that was accidentally lost outside? Other Pet Discussions
    • Definetly put up fliers and put a Lost ad in the paper. Thats about all you can do, unless you had it banded, then you can add the banding number to the pet store and humane society registeries and they will contact you if they find a bird with that band.

    • You should notify your local animal control officer if you have one and possibly the police department...some one might come across one on their deck and call the police and say "hey theres a cockatiel on my deck!!??!!

    • it is very difficult - the more time that passes the harder it can become to find the bird - like the other answers have said, contacting local police and animal control to alert them is a start. putting up fliers around the neighborhood is also good.finally, there is one more thing i would try - if you have a deck or a window the bird used to look out of , place their favorite toy or treat on that window or deck...maybe they are still nearby and will see that and come back for it.good luck.

    • It's very hard, you may never find your bird, but you should know this. There are loving people like myself that have found 2 lost cockatiels, never was able to locate their original owners despite many efforts. They are now a part of our family and are treated very well and loved very much. In otherwords, my hope for you is if you don't find your bird, someone else will and will make sure it is cared for and loved and safe.