How can I help my dog get along with other dogs?

the day before i adopted my dog she was bitten on the nose and head by a doberman (she's a lab/beagle). She's great with people and is not aggresive at all with humans. She will not chase after other dogs, but if one tries to play with her or sniff her…

    How can I help my dog get along with other dogs?

    the day before i adopted my dog she was bitten on the nose and head by a doberman (she's a lab/beagle). She's great with people and is not aggresive at all with humans. She will not chase after other dogs, but if one tries to play with her or sniff her…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I help my dog get along with other dogs?...

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    • How can I help my dog get along with other dogs?

      How can I help my dog get along with other dogs? Other Pet Discussions
      the day before i adopted my dog she was bitten on the nose and head by a doberman (she's a lab/beagle). She's great with people and is not aggresive at all with humans. She will not chase after other dogs, but if one tries to play with her or sniff her she will try to attack them. How can i socialize her out of this habit?

      How can I help my dog get along with other dogs?

      How can I help my dog get along with other dogs? Other Pet Discussions
    • With alot of practice and patience. Try socializing her with your friend's/family dogs for practice. Everytime she acts aggressive towards another dog for no reason pull her collar and say No _______! ( Fill in the blank Ex: No bite, no growling. Whatever you want to call it. keep it the same though.) Be consistent and ready to do this everytime! She will learn that this behavior is unacceptable.Make sure you let other dog owners know that you are socializing her to fix the issue. Don't practice this with other people's dogs without thier permission.

    • Take the baby to obedience classes. Some dogs act like they do not like each othere, but if let to argue, they come to agreement that they want to leave the other alone. My dog is affraid of small dogs his size. He bites the "Paws" dog across the hall every time he gets a chance. "Paws" is a big dog and mine is a schetzu. Good luck

    • That is a complex situation, not a 1-answer solution. Definitely go to an obedience class with an experienced trainer.Also, try the yahoo group: post is monitored so you won't get nonsense replies. Their files section is very useful.