If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding?

Is it best to build a big wooden box and keep them in it? Or is it best to just make a bed of old blankets and towels on the floor? Also, are there any tricks to keeping the puppies from soiling and peeing on the bedding?

    If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding?

    Is it best to build a big wooden box and keep them in it? Or is it best to just make a bed of old blankets and towels on the floor? Also, are there any tricks to keeping the puppies from soiling and peeing on the bedding?...
    Other Pet Discussions : If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding?...

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    • If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding?

      If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding? Other Pet Discussions
      Is it best to build a big wooden box and keep them in it? Or is it best to just make a bed of old blankets and towels on the floor? Also, are there any tricks to keeping the puppies from soiling and peeing on the bedding?

      If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding?

      If anyone has every had a female dog that has had puppies,what is the best ideas for their bedding? Other Pet Discussions
    • For our puppies, we used many layers of newspapers and I simply changed the top few sheets several times a day. It really worked well. The next time Fluffie has puppies, I plan on buying disposable restaurant-style tablecloths (available at warehouse stores) and using them in the same way. They are more costly, but are somewhat water(urine)proof.

    • depends on the size of your puppies really. WE built a large wooden box but we have newfoundlands and golden retreivers. My parents on the other hand have little dogs and only needed a cardboard box. As far as bedding goes, a plastic tablecloth under a few layers of newspaper works great. You can pull out the used newspaper and replace it every so often, but never have to worry about the floor underneath getting soiled as you can just wipe down the tablecloth to clean up really big messes. One or two old towels in there as well to give a soft spot to sleep is fine but exect to have to wash those every day. most of the time they will sleep cuddled up together or next to moma so dont be surprised if the towels only get used as bathrooms as well. good luck with your litter!