What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small?

We just bought an oscar from the pet store and were wondering what to feed it. The store said regular fish food but I also heard they eat goldfish. Who is correct?

    What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small?

    We just bought an oscar from the pet store and were wondering what to feed it. The store said regular fish food but I also heard they eat goldfish. Who is correct?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small?...

    • What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small?

      What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small? Other Pet Discussions
      We just bought an oscar from the pet store and were wondering what to feed it. The store said regular fish food but I also heard they eat goldfish. Who is correct?

      What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small?

      What do you feed an oscar fish that is relatively small? Other Pet Discussions
    • They sell a pellet food for Oscars. I don't know why a reputable pet store wouldn't tell you that. They do not eat regular fish food.An Oscar will grow to fit the space they live it. I had 2 Oscars and got them as babies. They filled a 55 gallon aquarium! I started feeding them goldfish as a treat. I ended up with a 10 gallon tank just to keep the feeder goldfish in. They will eat as many as you will feed them. Then they don't want the pellets any longer.My two were huge. They would greet me when I entered the house....They would come to the top of the tank and literally stick their heads out of the water. They watched every move I made. They would eat the goldfish out of my hand.They make good pets. BUT, you sure can't feed them fish flakes for their diet........

    • The best is Hikari cichlid pellets. They have a tiny size for baby oscars. That is the best for them, becasue it is balanced. You can suppliment with baby guppies, but The best is just the pellet food.

    • they can eat a pellet food or you can feed them small goldfish or guppies!! You should only feed them fish as a treat! They should feed pellets most of the time! The fish can be fed fish, 1-4 times a month!

    • The best staple for the Oscar is a good pellet.Variety is always a good idea for the fish, and many live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods are excellent supplements to the pellets. Thaw frozen foods and soak freeze-dried foods.You can feed a small Oscar treats like blood worms, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and meal worm, all available at fish shops.As the Oscar gets older you can try things like krill, shrimp, prawns, small fish, worms, insects, and crayfish.When it comes to feeder fish, be careful where you buy them. They tend to be half starved and malnurished from the store, and sometimes can harbour disease from the poor conditions they're kept in. If you must use live fish, quarentine them first to fatten them up and make sure they are disease free.