How do I get my cats from MA to OH?

I know it;s really dangerous to take them on the plane and Amtrack/Greyhound don't allow pets onboard. Any suggestions on how to get them home for the summer?

    How do I get my cats from MA to OH?

    I know it;s really dangerous to take them on the plane and Amtrack/Greyhound don't allow pets onboard. Any suggestions on how to get them home for the summer?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cats from MA to OH?...

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    • How do I get my cats from MA to OH?

      How do I get my cats from MA to OH? Other Pet Discussions
      I know it;s really dangerous to take them on the plane and Amtrack/Greyhound don't allow pets onboard. Any suggestions on how to get them home for the summer?

      How do I get my cats from MA to OH?

      How do I get my cats from MA to OH? Other Pet Discussions
    • There is a sedative you can give to them...I think it is called Ace Promazine??? Ask your vet about it. I gave it to my cats and they slept like babies all the way from Illinois to Texas. You can take them on a plane in a carrier like that with no probs. I did. It also works great in the car.

    • I'm planning on traveling a long distance with my kitties this summer, and I've been researching cats and travel for the past week. I suggest you first talk with your vet about any special considerations for your little furballs. Then take them on small, short trips to acclimate them to traveling, keeping an eye on their physical and psychological temperament. Here's some sites you can check out for more: