How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk?

I recently moved to a new apartment building with more people and other dogs in a "dog friendly neighborhood". I walk my dog about 3 to 4 times a day, and every time we encounter other dogs she just barks her head off. I have tried making her sit or all…

    How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk?

    I recently moved to a new apartment building with more people and other dogs in a "dog friendly neighborhood". I walk my dog about 3 to 4 times a day, and every time we encounter other dogs she just barks her head off. I have tried making her sit or all…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk?...

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    • How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk?

      How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk? General Dog Discussions
      I recently moved to a new apartment building with more people and other dogs in a "dog friendly neighborhood". I walk my dog about 3 to 4 times a day, and every time we encounter other dogs she just barks her head off. I have tried making her sit or all in all trying to ignore other dogs on our daily walks. Is there anything I can do to make her warm up to other dogs?

      How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk?

      How do I make my dogs like/ tolerate other dogs on her walk? General Dog Discussions
    • i hope someone answers your question because my boxer gives me the same trouble. even if a dog is across the street her hair will go up and she gets agitated. she'll whine, then bark. i think the real reason is she is actually afraid of them. i've tried to let her get close to another dog, but the other dog seems to snarl and growl than she does the same thing back. she must give off some dominant vibe or they smell fear in her. i want her to be able to play with other dogs, but it's out of the question. really hope someone can answer this for both of us. happy new year !

    • Try training her the "watch me " command. Use treats to get her attention and while she is looking at you give the watch me command and then give her the treat. Continue with this as often as you can. When you take her for a walk keep the treats with you , when she sees the dog, step , get her in front of you and use the watch me, Every time she tries to look,Jiggle the collar and use the command again and give her a treat. Hope that will work for you.