How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog?

I'll be going to college in a year or two, but I'd love to get a dog. The apartment I plan on renting does allow pets. I miss having a dog, and I want to get a pomeranian.

    How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog?

    I'll be going to college in a year or two, but I'd love to get a dog. The apartment I plan on renting does allow pets. I miss having a dog, and I want to get a pomeranian....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog?...

    • How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog?

      How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog? Other Pet Discussions
      I'll be going to college in a year or two, but I'd love to get a dog. The apartment I plan on renting does allow pets. I miss having a dog, and I want to get a pomeranian.

      How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog?

      How do I convince my parents that we should get a dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • tell your parents how responsible you'll be with the dog, if the subject should come up. dont yell or anything, cuz that'll show how iresponsible you are or will be. just keep pressuring them in a kind of stern-ish nice voice.

    • If you really care for dogs you have to see things from their point of view rather than from your own or even your parents. This shows you are really responsible, for example, when you go to College will you still have the time to look after the dog and give it a good life, not just food and a bed but outings, playtime etc. And even if the flat allows pets how much time is the dog going to spend there on its own. Will it get bored? You chose a small breed, that has its advantages but a young dog may still miss you and get fed up on its own, if you have the dog at home first of all and then take it to College he may even miss the rest of the family and his usual surroundings. Why not first go to College, settle there and then get a dog if you still think you can give it a good life. In the meantime, is there a dog sanctuary where you can do voluntary work, you will be surrounded by dogs and really get an idea what caring for them involves. Many sanctuaries run adoption/sponsoring schemes.

    • First, make sure that everything they asked you to do and all your responsibilities are done accordingly and correctly. When all your responsibilities are done well, they will think about your request for a dog.Second, make sure that you know as much as possible about the dog you are going to get and try to understand them as deep as possible by looking for some similar dogs to interact with. Show to your parents that you know the right way to treat a dog no matter it is with the food that it likes or the way you bring it up.Third, you will have to understand yourself first because you will have to know that the responsibility of rearing a dog is yours and you will have to take good care of it no matter you want or not after getting the dog. You must make sure that you will have enough time to play with the dog, clean it regularly and feed it properly. Remember that no one will be there to help you and you will have to do everything by yourself.Fourth, you will have to make sure that the environment where the dog should stay is suitable for it and comfortable. The dog have to be taken care and must have a suitable compound and place to stay or conduct its daily activities.Fifth, you have to make sure that your parents' wishes were to be fullfilled first. If they want you to get good results, you will have to make sure that getting a dog will not affect your results. Please them and show that you can do everything even if you have a dog to take care of.When you have done everything on the above, you can then try to persuade your parents to get a dog for you because you know how to do your responsibilities accordingly.

    • Tell them that you're responsible and that you'll be the one taking care of it. (Pomeranian isn't the best choice in my opinion because of the grooming, but if that's what you want...)