What is the best way to house train a new puppy?

I am paper training her. I give her a treat when she goes on the paper and I take her to the accident on the carpet and put her nose by it so she can smell it and tap her nose and tell her naughty dog and take her to the paper. It just doen't seem to…

    What is the best way to house train a new puppy?

    I am paper training her. I give her a treat when she goes on the paper and I take her to the accident on the carpet and put her nose by it so she can smell it and tap her nose and tell her naughty dog and take her to the paper. It just doen't seem to…...
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    • What is the best way to house train a new puppy?

      What is the best way to house train a new puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      I am paper training her. I give her a treat when she goes on the paper and I take her to the accident on the carpet and put her nose by it so she can smell it and tap her nose and tell her naughty dog and take her to the paper. It just doen't seem to be working. I've had her for 4 weeks and I think when she pees on the paper it's strictly by accident. I really don't believe in rubbing there noses in it so please don't suggest that.

      What is the best way to house train a new puppy?

      What is the best way to house train a new puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • http://www.vet.utk.edu/hero/education/house.htmHere's a good place with lots of free help, tons of info, and answers for your questions. Four weeks is just a good start. If you love your pet, you will train him in all ways that make him the perfect companion. Good Luck!