Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals?

I have a really good formula that my vet gave me when my dog had puppies and needed help with feeding them.You can't feed sugar to pets.Sugar wiil mess up their intestinal tract.

    Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals?

    I have a really good formula that my vet gave me when my dog had puppies and needed help with feeding them.You can't feed sugar to pets.Sugar wiil mess up their intestinal tract....
    Other Pet Discussions : Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals?...

    • Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals?

      Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a really good formula that my vet gave me when my dog had puppies and needed help with feeding them.You can't feed sugar to pets.Sugar wiil mess up their intestinal tract.

      Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals?

      Would anyone like to have a really good recipe for a formula for baby animals? Other Pet Discussions
    • Sure I would. My friend fed baby raccoons abandoned by their mother by mysterious reasons. The raccoons now weight about 35lbs. each, but, it cost my friend approx. 35 dollars every couple of days.