What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone?

Someone in the pet store said that my new puppy has good bone. What does that mean?

    What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone?

    Someone in the pet store said that my new puppy has good bone. What does that mean?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone?...

    • What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone?

      What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone? Other Pet Discussions
      Someone in the pet store said that my new puppy has good bone. What does that mean?

      What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone?

      What does it mean when someone says that golden retriever puppy has good bone? Other Pet Discussions
    • It could mean a lot of things. From "you have a well behaved puppy" to the bone you bought for the puppy. But you have me curious of EXACTLY what they meant... next time you're in, ask :3

    • That's quite a compliment as good bone structure is sometimes difficult to get in a Golden Retriever.It means the dog has a good set to the shoulders and is structurally very sound which contributes to the way the dog holds himself and the way he moves. You evidently have a well-bred Golden if the person knew what he/she was talking about.