What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free?

I have a long-haired white cat and the hair is everywhere!

    What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free?

    I have a long-haired white cat and the hair is everywhere!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free?...

    • What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free?

      What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a long-haired white cat and the hair is everywhere!

      What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free?

      What is the best way to keep your apartment cat hair free? Other Pet Discussions
    • Brush the cat daily (maybe even twice a day if she'll let you) to remove as much loose fur as possible - that will minimize the stray fur all over the house and keep her healthier, too.For what you can't brush out, get a lint roller to clean up. Of course, you could get paint & upholster everything white, and get hardwood floors and a swiffer- then it won't be as noticeable! -- LOL

    • Vacuum a lot...thats the true thing unless you keep your cat's fur low but thats hard. You don't want to do any thing that will stimulate a reaction that is not normall. Shedding is natural and the cat should be allowed to do so. What I've done is that I trained my long fur cat to be in his specific spots. I covered his spots with covers and made it confotable for him. That way he gets his way and I get mine.

    • You could:A: Wax the CatB: Accept you bought a long haired cat and shedding happens.You can minimize the shedding though by getting a really find comb (like a headlice comb, not a regular cat comb) and giving the cat a daily thorough combing. The important part is that the comb goes really deep, right to the root of the hair.