How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws?

From what I understand, this is due to allergies in the skin. (I've even gone to the vet) Anyway, if it is, he does it all year long and the medications don't seem to help. I've tried various things on his paws that are supposed to taste terrible to…

    How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws?

    From what I understand, this is due to allergies in the skin. (I've even gone to the vet) Anyway, if it is, he does it all year long and the medications don't seem to help. I've tried various things on his paws that are supposed to taste terrible to…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws?...

    • How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws?

      How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws? Other Pet Discussions
      From what I understand, this is due to allergies in the skin. (I've even gone to the vet) Anyway, if it is, he does it all year long and the medications don't seem to help. I've tried various things on his paws that are supposed to taste terrible to discourage him such as those Apple Bitter things, but I swear he must not have any taste buds. Any ideas?

      How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws?

      How do I keep my dog from gnawing on his paws? Other Pet Discussions
    • This is usally caused by carbohydrates in the dogs diet. The best thing, if you are feeding him table scraps is to quit. Dog food from the store is best, because it is formulated for a dogs diet. If you must feed him from the table, just avoid carbohydrates and in a week or so, you should see some improvement.

    • My puppy does this too, but I didn't think it was a serious problem since she chews on *everything*. Maybe you could have your dog wear little shoes or socks.This allergy-related problem could be due to allergens in your house. Try purifying the air in your home and buying allergen reducing spray.

    • I see a lot of patients with skin allergies. Obviously your dog has an itch or he wouldn't chew his feet just as you would not scratch if you didn't have an itch. There are many medications that can help dogs with allergies. There are also foods that help. Allergies can be year round not just in certain months. Your vet can do a skin test to find out what your dog is allergic to. Sometimes it is a food allergy and just changing his food is enough. I know that medications and food can be costly but put yourself where he is. He has an itch. We know how bothersome it is to have an itch. Skin allergies can cause the dog to become nervous, tense, skittish, and sometimes even aggressive. They cannot help it. Make an appointment with your vet and spend time talking to him him. Make sure he knows how miserable your doggie is and how miserable he is making you. Good luck!

    • i gurentee this will work. my dog had the same problem.put one of those head cones on can go to the vet or get one at your local pet co.

    • I would have your vet do allergy testing to see what he is allergic to for sure, that way you can hopefully eliminate or reduce the offenders. In the meantime, try putting a 100% pure cotton t-shirt on him. Sounds odd I know, but it worked for my dog when he chewed his feet.