What is the best type of filteration for a 55g?

Right now, I have one of the those old Marineland Bio-Wheels. Its a double with two of the wheels. But they so slow compared to the biowheel I got on my 29g. I think there are better options out there. What would you suggest?About the tank:Its…

    What is the best type of filteration for a 55g?

    Right now, I have one of the those old Marineland Bio-Wheels. Its a double with two of the wheels. But they so slow compared to the biowheel I got on my 29g. I think there are better options out there. What would you suggest?About the tank:Its…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best type of filteration for a 55g?...

    • What is the best type of filteration for a 55g?

      What is the best type of filteration for a 55g? Other Pet Discussions
      Right now, I have one of the those old Marineland Bio-Wheels. Its a double with two of the wheels. But they so slow compared to the biowheel I got on my 29g. I think there are better options out there. What would you suggest?About the tank:Its semi-plants. A few plants and a few swords. There aren't a lot of fish, I'm trying to wait to see what I can get. But, I've got a pleco and red-tailed black shark. There are some zebra loaches too.

      What is the best type of filteration for a 55g?

      What is the best type of filteration for a 55g? Other Pet Discussions