How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat?

We have a one year old cat who goes outside most of the time. He constantly injures himself outside, so how can we make him an indoor cat? We try to just keep him insside, but he constantly meows at the door and our father then lets him outside. What…

    How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat?

    We have a one year old cat who goes outside most of the time. He constantly injures himself outside, so how can we make him an indoor cat? We try to just keep him insside, but he constantly meows at the door and our father then lets him outside. What…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat?...

    • How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat?

      How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat? Other Pet Discussions
      We have a one year old cat who goes outside most of the time. He constantly injures himself outside, so how can we make him an indoor cat? We try to just keep him insside, but he constantly meows at the door and our father then lets him outside. What should we do to keep him inside?He isn't really a complete outdoor cat, he goes in and out as he pleases.

      How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat?

      How to make an outdoor cat into an indoor cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • If he has been an outdoor cat all his life, it is not fair to try to keep him indoors. Maybe try to distract him when he is indoors, with toys and fuss, and a few treats. If you stop him altogether, it will make him miserable. All cats injure themselves when they are outdoor kitties. It a part of their life. You should have really thought about this before you got your cat.I just has an idea. Maybe get him a friend, like a young kitten. Kittens have to be kept indoors anyway, and if he is a sociable cat, he will enjoy playing with the kitten indoors, thus will stay indoors more often. But only if he is ok with other cats. If he isn't, don't bother.