When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills?

Of all the cats I can remember having none of them ended up needing vet care. They grew up, got old, then one day got sick and was put to sleep, or they just die. Am I right in thinking this?

    When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills?

    Of all the cats I can remember having none of them ended up needing vet care. They grew up, got old, then one day got sick and was put to sleep, or they just die. Am I right in thinking this?...
    Other Pet Discussions : When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills?...

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    • When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills?

      When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills? Other Pet Discussions
      Of all the cats I can remember having none of them ended up needing vet care. They grew up, got old, then one day got sick and was put to sleep, or they just die. Am I right in thinking this?

      When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills?

      When cats get really old they usually end up being put to sleep over insane vet bills? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'm not sure exactly what you are getting at but there are a lot of factors to consider. Cats need medical attention, just as any other pet or human would. Perhaps because of the nonchalant attitude you may have overlooked signs and or symptoms when the cat needed medical care. Perhaps your cat may have lived longer given medical care . Or maybe you've been very lucky and had very healthy cats that were healthy right until the end.

    • To a point, but if one is a true pet lover they will do anything for their pet just as they would do for their child. Pets are part of families if you are someone who feels that way. I have a cat, she will be 15 years old this September. I take my cat to the Vet and I treat her as part of my family. A pet is a life long pet and should be treated with the same respect as a adult, in my eyes anyways. I am sure my cat will not be with me much longer. I still have a few more years with her and I will do whatever it takes to make her as comfertable as I can. She means the world to me and they day she leaves me will be horrible. So, if you love your pet then the bills are worth it. Good luck to you.

    • No, you are not right. You were a kid and kids see things through rose colored glasses, or they are almost completely unaware of what is going on in the house. As a kid, I remember the cats having kittens and the kittens dying or getting stuck somewhere (like in the wall). Toms were spraying their nasty urine everywhere, and fighting in the alleys at night. Cats were always eating some kind of poison and dying in your backyard.Now, I'm from Philadelphia, so these experiences may just be with city cats. No one really owned the cats, nor were they pets, they just hung around. Maybe they'd live a year or two, that's it. It was horrible.Cats and dogs are now treated as part of the family. As their guardian, it is your responsibility to care for them and keep them as healthy as possible. They live longer now (especially indoor cats), so they develop problems. It it up to you and your vet to decide how to treat those problems. I have a 16 year old cat, and he visits the vet every 6 months. He's on a special diet, and he was a diabetic, now in remission. Expensive? You bet. But I owe it to him-he's gotten me through some bad times, and as long as he is comfortable and not in pain, I will do what I can for him.Don't forget to spay and neuter any pets you get!!! Millions of animals are euthanized needlessly every year-don't contribute to the problem!

    • You're talking about the cat gets old and then there are these new vet bills that pop up because the cat needs care? yes people usually just put them to sleep bacause it cost too much too keep the cat alive. and if the cat is in pain and there is nothing they can do they will usually put the cat down.

    • I think it's more like most people don't want to spend money on their cats, so when they start to notice the cat isn't normal, they don't do anything about it. So, the cat winds up so ill that it's too far gone to save.I know a LOT of people (my parents included) who wait until an animal is near death before finally taking it to a vet. If you wait til an animal is near death, it's going to be expensive and difficult to save it. If you are proactive and go to a vet at first sign of a problem, and if the animal gets routine checkups, most things can be detected and treated early (things aren't as expensive or difficult to treat when caught early)