How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house?

Whenever i see that they need to pee i put them out for at least 30 minutes, expecting that they have gone to the bathroom, but five minutes after i put them back inside they pee right in front of me!

    How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house?

    Whenever i see that they need to pee i put them out for at least 30 minutes, expecting that they have gone to the bathroom, but five minutes after i put them back inside they pee right in front of me!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house?...

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    • How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house?

      How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      Whenever i see that they need to pee i put them out for at least 30 minutes, expecting that they have gone to the bathroom, but five minutes after i put them back inside they pee right in front of me!

      How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house?

      How can i get my pit bull puppies to stop peeing in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • Do you stay outside with them to see that they go? Puppies need to be praised a lot when being potty trained as soon as they go so that they can ralize that them going potty outside is good.

    • If you catch her in the act of peeing, you are SO lucky! That is the PERFECT training opportunity! When you see her squat, cry out and start moving towards her. Shout "Hey!" or "No!" once. You want to startle her. She will probably stop peeing right then because she is surprised. Pick her up as soon as you get to her and carry her outside. Don't continue yelling at her or scolding her now. Remember, you are still teaching her. The purpose of crying out is to startle her in the middle of peeing (and hopefully stop her while she still has some in her bladder), and to "mark" for her the exact moment that you started reacting. She will probably also be aware of what she was doing at that time, though she won't know why you reacted that way or what else she should have done.You certainly don't want to punish her for having stopped peeing. (Note that I said startle, not frighten. You want a sharp sound, not a roar. If you scare the puppy, you may get more peeing as she tries to tell you that you are THE BOSS with submissive urination. If your dog is very sensitive to a voice correction, skip the voice entirely and just pick her up and hustle outside.) Carrying her is just a way to get her outside quickly and without a mess. Your attitude should be quite neutral as you carry her, no praise or punishment. When you get her outside, put her down, and stay there with her until she pees outside. If she has a very soft temperament, you may have to wait for awhile and just ignore her until she relaxes and has a pee. Remember, she knows you shouted last time she peed. She doesn't know you shouted because of WHERE she peed. Eventually, she will pee, and you should praise her. Speak to her softly and lovingly while she pees outside. This is a time for gentle, generous praise. No one can properly finish going to the bathroom if they are leaping up and down with excitement. Then give her a cookie when she has finished, if that is part of your routine. Clean the spot thoroughly when you get back inside. At this age, it is useful to keep your keys and a leash in your pocket ALL the time. Timing is SO important in dog training. If you stop her in the middle of peeing, take her outside, and then praise her for going there, she will learn that peeing outside is much more pleasant than peeing inside. If you wait for her to finish, then take her outside, you probably won't get an immediate opportunity to praise her for doing what you want, and you may teach her that if she wants to go for a walk, she should tell you by peeing on the floor. Remember that when you interrupt her, you must carry her out. Dragging her may just leave a trail on the floor.

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