what is the age to neuteured a female kitten?

I have 2 kittens of 6 weeks old when should i get them neuteured ?

    what is the age to neuteured a female kitten?

    I have 2 kittens of 6 weeks old when should i get them neuteured ?...
    Other Pet Discussions : what is the age to neuteured a female kitten?...

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    • what is the age to neuteured a female kitten?

      what is the age to neuteured a female kitten? Other Pet Discussions
      I have 2 kittens of 6 weeks old when should i get them neuteured ?

      what is the age to neuteured a female kitten?

      what is the age to neuteured a female kitten? Other Pet Discussions
    • ive been a vet technician for 4 years ,the youngest we have ever performed a spay is 6 weeks.we generally encourage people to bring in the kittens for spaying between 6 and 14 weeks.

    • OK: First off, we spay females, we neuter males.Great question:In the kitten rescue organizations - vets will typically spay a female kitten at two pounds. Some vets will spay/neuter at 1.75 pounds. Rescue groups adopting out kittens MUST only adopt out altered kittens because sometimes owners are stupid and just don't get it done on their own.In other adoption/buying situations - IF the female kitten is absloutely NOT at risk of becoming pregnant - it is OK to wait until they are four - six months old to have them spayed. Technically, they are more developed and the 'parts and pieces' are easier to identify and they aren't at as much risk from surgery at that point.Generally, cats (male and female) make much better companion cats after they are altered - it's a win/win situation for everyone.