How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep?

Recently I found 3 stray kittens by my house. They're very small. Maybe a few weeks old. They are very sick and they're dying. I plan on taking them to the vet to hopefully get the put down and end their suffering. How much would it cost to put them all…

    How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep?

    Recently I found 3 stray kittens by my house. They're very small. Maybe a few weeks old. They are very sick and they're dying. I plan on taking them to the vet to hopefully get the put down and end their suffering. How much would it cost to put them all…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep?...

    • How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep?

      How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep? Other Pet Discussions
      Recently I found 3 stray kittens by my house. They're very small. Maybe a few weeks old. They are very sick and they're dying. I plan on taking them to the vet to hopefully get the put down and end their suffering. How much would it cost to put them all down? I'd just hate to see these kittens suffer for any longer.

      How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep?

      How much does it cost to put an animal to sleep? Other Pet Discussions
    • Take them to a NO KILL shelter. They have vets that will heal them and put them up for adoption. Kittens have a better chance of adoption because of their cuteness. Good luck!

    • You should take them to your local shelter instead, because a vet will charge at least $80 for every animal euthanized. A shelter will be willing to take the cats in and if they are unable to save the kittens, will euthanize them for free.