How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration?

He is a 12 lb. puppy that is 10 months old. He has been throwing up lately and I am concerened he is dehydrated.(I did take him to the vet to rule out a bacterial infection. They said he might have sensitive stomach or acid reflux and now he is on…

    How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration?

    He is a 12 lb. puppy that is 10 months old. He has been throwing up lately and I am concerened he is dehydrated.(I did take him to the vet to rule out a bacterial infection. They said he might have sensitive stomach or acid reflux and now he is on…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration?...

    • How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration?

      How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration? Other Pet Discussions
      He is a 12 lb. puppy that is 10 months old. He has been throwing up lately and I am concerened he is dehydrated.(I did take him to the vet to rule out a bacterial infection. They said he might have sensitive stomach or acid reflux and now he is on Pepcid. )

      How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration?

      How do you tell if your dog is dehydrated? And what are dog remedies for dehydration? Other Pet Discussions
    • A dogs nose should always be wet. I would think that if it's not then he should need more water and possibly medical attention.If the throwing up continues, look at what he's been eating and I would suggest an appointment with a vet. It could be just the food he's eating (or NON-food...dogs like to eat plastic and all sorts of weird things), or it could be a sign of something wrong.

    • pull on his scruff, if the skin stays for a second or two he is dehydrated. if he isn't holding down anything there is nothing you can do except take him to the vet. you really should take him to the vet anyway as there are many problems that can cause vomiting (parvo, worms, obstructions.) just don't wait. small dogs can get dehydrated very quickly.

    • if he cant keep water down and when u pick up on his skin and it dont right back into place. there is something u can do for it but u wanna make sure ur good with a needle. u can take a needle fill it with water and grab his skin and slowly put the water just under the skin. dont put too much in one spot. u can do it on his back his sides and if u think u can under his belly. but be carefull cause the skin there is really thin and u dont wanna get it into the meat. good luck