Can you help me explain why I should get our dog fixed?

My boyfriend is against getting our 7 mo. old Boston Terrier neutered, and I'm searching for solid evidence on why we should do it.

    Can you help me explain why I should get our dog fixed?

    My boyfriend is against getting our 7 mo. old Boston Terrier neutered, and I'm searching for solid evidence on why we should do it....
    General Dog Discussions : Can you help me explain why I should get our dog fixed?...

    • Bob Barker says so! Oh yeah, and puppies are a lot of work (if it's a male dog a lot of work for someone else) and no matter how careful you are the only sure way of keeping your dog from impregnating another is to have them fixed. Unfixed female dogs tend to spray urine when they are in heat and unfixed males pee everywhere (inside too). I could go on and on. So... unless you are planning on RESPONSIBLY breeding remember Get your pets spayed or neutered. PleaseBob Barker on Price Is Right.

    • in case a stray female dog in heat comes over and she ends up preg. because of him the pups and mother are ur responsability and im sure he does not like that idea. grt him fixed!!

    • 1) Neutering prevents your dog from contributing to the dog overpopulation problem.2) Eliminates the chance of testicular cancer.3) Less dominant behavior (such as humping people/other dogs), less marking (peeing on everything), less desire to roam.