How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard?

My dog has an electric fence, but in this neighboor hood, we can't put up fences! When he gets out, he gets into the garabage! Our neighboors have complained, and we see him running through his eclectric fence fast, but he still gets shocked! He…

    How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard?

    My dog has an electric fence, but in this neighboor hood, we can't put up fences! When he gets out, he gets into the garabage! Our neighboors have complained, and we see him running through his eclectric fence fast, but he still gets shocked! He…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard?...

    • How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard?

      How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog has an electric fence, but in this neighboor hood, we can't put up fences! When he gets out, he gets into the garabage! Our neighboors have complained, and we see him running through his eclectric fence fast, but he still gets shocked! He throws up the, because he ate so much garbage! He also is overweight! Please, answer this Question!

      How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard?

      How do you get your dog to stop running out of our back yard? Other Pet Discussions
    • Get a tie out chain and hook him up when he's outside if the electric fence and collar aren't doing the job. Build a kennel for the dog with a dog house for protection from the elements.

    • honey, it depends how old is your dogtill one year, dogs love to jump n play. its normal. however,you can teach him a thing of two, simple commands like "NO". use a rolled up newspaper for tht. just scare him with it, or hit him lightly if he disobeys often. And your voice should b firm. when u r angry at him, he should realise with the tone of your voice tht he has done somethin wrong.

    • Dogs were originally bred from wolves. I believe you can only domesticate an animal to a certain degree. Some are more "trainable" than others. "You may take the dog out of the wild but you can't take the wild out of the dog". Is a caute quote to ponder upon. I have also been told that, if you think about it...just because people or animals do not conform to the way we want them to does not mean they are just means they are an independent thinker. Many may have thoughts on this..but I find discussions to be intriguing.

    • Obviously the shock isn't great enough from the electric fence to stop him from going through it so you either have to turn up the shock or put him on a lead (a dog run) so he can't go that far...the down side to that is they tend to get tangled around things in the yard or build a kennel.

    • We have had this problem. We took our dogs and walked them around the perimeter of the yard two-three times a day for a couple of weeks and they got the idea they are not to leave the yard.

    • Take him/her out often. It could be that he/she doesn't see much of the outside world and jumps at the chance of being out there. So take him/her on more and longer walks. It could help.

    • My dog is not in your backyard. What a strange question.Walk the dog on a leash when outside. Otherwise, keep it inside. If you do not want to spend the time being a responsible dog owner, please put it up for adoption before the dog or someone else gets hurt. Leaving a dog unatended within an electric fence or on a tether is simply irresponsible. It leaves the dog vulnerable to attack from other animals and people.In some places it is illegal to tether a dog for long periods of time. It is a bad idea anyway.