How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet?

My cat is so finicky about her box, and once it's been pooped on a few times she'll stop going in it and use the carpet next to the box. Even when I scoop it clean she won't use it half the time, yet she'll continue peeing in the box. I don't want to…

    How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet?

    My cat is so finicky about her box, and once it's been pooped on a few times she'll stop going in it and use the carpet next to the box. Even when I scoop it clean she won't use it half the time, yet she'll continue peeing in the box. I don't want to…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet?...

    • How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet?

      How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat is so finicky about her box, and once it's been pooped on a few times she'll stop going in it and use the carpet next to the box. Even when I scoop it clean she won't use it half the time, yet she'll continue peeing in the box. I don't want to change my litter once she's gone in it, so what else can I do? I thought about getting a second box next to it, but afraid she'll just do the same thing. Anyone had this problem and found a solution?Most of you aren't understanding, of course I am scooping the poo out, the point is once she's pooed in it like twice she'll get picky about it until I clean out the entire box. Even when I scoop out the dirty litter it doesn't matter. I also have always used yesterday's news, and I don't like the idea of using clumping litter or sand cuz she'll just turn my carpet into a sandbox! She also has to have it where she wants the box, and can't have a hood.

      How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet?

      How to get my cat to go in a dirty litter box and not on my carpet? Other Pet Discussions
    • Dunno - very fussy cat! I would only suggest either clean it more often (i.e. twice a day if you don't already) or to get a bigger litter box or another one, but in a different place. Also, I would move the box away from where it is now (if it's possible, I know it's a nightmare finding somewhere to put the darn things) as she's probably gotten used to pooing on the carpet near it.

    • Cats are very clean animals and won't go to a litter tray that hasn't had the poop scooped, or even if it smells bad. Their sense of smell is ten times more efficient than ours, so effectively your cat is literally turning up her nose at using what she perceives as a filthy litter tray. As well as scooping the poop, you should cahnge the whole tray at least every third day, if not sooner.

    • clean it daily... get the scoopable litter, it makes daily cleaning easier (you don't have to replace all the litter with the clumpable stuff, just scoop out the poo and urine clumps). unfortunately, that's the best remedy.

    • i had same problem. i found that buying clumping cat litter helps. uwhen ur cat has done her business u just get a pet scooper and scoop up the mess. normally a bag may last up to a month. but just make sure u clean every day and if u need to top it up then top it up. this also eliminates the smell.

    • The following item has become the best investment ever made! My sister bought two for her home. (she also has 5 cats, while I have 1)The "Litter Maid" keeps even the most finicky cats happy!Check it out and try it for yourself!The best part is, no more scooping poop!!! :-)

    • NO! I wish I did. I am putting this question on "watch" b/c I have a similar problem with my cat who is neurotic. And when you work, you just can't be standing around with the scooper waiting to scoop out your little darling's treasure each time she makes a deposit. I have this problem with both pee and poop so count your blessings b/c nothing stinks a house up worse or stains or corrodes like cat pee.I have tried everything: Multiple litter boxes at all her favorite "spots", changing the litter completely every day, spraying Kitty go way stuff where she pees (it only works on ME!). I can't make her an outdoor cat because she would get killed by the big bruiser cats that run the 'hood. My husband says maybe it is time to put her to sleep, esp. since we just replaced all our upstairs carpet with a $10K wood floor thanks to her, but I can't do it since she is only 10 and not sick, just mental.So I will watch here and see if anyone has a better clue. Thanks for asking this question.

    • I agree this is difficult, but do try scooping litter. Also see this website - is a product called Cat Attract for the litter box. I am not sure why or how it works, but it helps finicky cats.

    • You can try by scooping the poop into the sandbox and get your cat in there too..cats usually dig the dirt and poop and then cover it up wid soil or sand afterwards. This way the cat will recognize that it's where it supposed to poop.

    • cats are generally fussy,this includes their litter box you must keep your litter box as clean as possible. I found using clumping litter wich is a little more expensive is the easiest to maintain, just scoop out the clumps a couple of times a day your cat will be happier and so will you.

    • You can get one of those self-cleaning litter boxes. Petco has one for $25. The rest are all $200 that I have seen. I don't know how well the $25 one will work but it got good user ratings.