What is that special thing your animal does?

My two cats are wild at times. I have a female cat that is very special and pretty smart. She knows how do a lot of things like open a handled door and sticking her paw out while stand on her hind legs to get out of the room. Plus, she has mastered…

    What is that special thing your animal does?

    My two cats are wild at times. I have a female cat that is very special and pretty smart. She knows how do a lot of things like open a handled door and sticking her paw out while stand on her hind legs to get out of the room. Plus, she has mastered…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is that special thing your animal does?...

    • What is that special thing your animal does?

      What is that special thing your animal does? Other Pet Discussions
      My two cats are wild at times. I have a female cat that is very special and pretty smart. She knows how do a lot of things like open a handled door and sticking her paw out while stand on her hind legs to get out of the room. Plus, she has mastered getting her collar off three times and I have put it to the last hole. Then she loves playing with my old cat, and has brought out the kitten in him.

      What is that special thing your animal does?

      What is that special thing your animal does? Other Pet Discussions
    • the special thing my 5 month old pup does is open doors for me check the road for me before crossing it and gives me hugs and kisses when i get in the door it sounds like bullshit but trust me its not

    • I love the way my cat wakes me up in the morning. If my alarm clock goes off, she starts meowing until I get up. If I press the snooze button, then she licks my eyelids until I get up. She also says Momma...that is so cute!

    • My cat can say just about any female name that starts with a "J" like: Janet, Julie, etc. ...He is truly amazing, unfortunately I had to de-claw him because he was being really hard on my couch - luckily it seems not to have affected his singing voice too much.

    • Yeah my bird It picks your nose and then it says YUM YUM it is hillerious he aslo rolls over in his bath and sleeps hes a nutter hey !!!!!!!!!!!!! But its funny

    • I have a 7 month old male Red Nose PittBull. His name is Ali. He's not like other pitts, he's very playful and loves to meet new people. He thinks that he's still a small puppy. Whenever my husband and I are lying down, he jumps right in between us and goes to sleep. Oh yeah, Ali definitely has a snoring problem!

    • well, i have a siamese mix cat (boy) and he is very pretty, but he is like the porn star of cat, he's beautiful and stupid, but soooo cute!his place is on top of the fridge where he waits for people to come by and then he gently head butts them so they will pet him, sometimes he shows off for attention so hard that he falls off the fridge...he's very special but we love him anyway, he's great! and my golder retriever just looks at him and shakes his head in disappointment (thats the look he has on his face, so if he were a person, he would shake his head) its funny.

    • i have two cats that i love dearly also. One of them has wagged her tail like a puppy since she was born. the faster u pet her the faster she wags from side to side. it's hillarious. my other cat which is hemmalyin will have a complete conversation with you. everything you ask her she meows back without missing a beat. She is really sweet. also they are both trained to go to the potty outside even though they are inside cats. when they wanna go out they go to the door and wait. also when i pull up in the driveway they both come darting out to the car to greet me and runs ahead me up the side walk and watches back to see if i'm coming...i love them so much.

    • my cat----her name is koda we got her after she was 6 weeks old someone put her in a dumpster and left her there to die ...they vet said that she had her leg and hips busted and starved to where she puffed up before we found her ...well she falls asleep in the window and will be so asleep she falls out ...the poor thing she is funny but i worry about her she isnt all there mentally but you have to love her the way she does things it is just different ...huggs to all pet lovers it is a true pleasure.

    • One of my cats does the strangest things, so I hope my answer qualifies...I assume what she does is special; it definitely seems original. For some reason, and there is no telling with cats, my petite persian has taken a fancy to a Yu-Gi-Oh playing card (the Malevolent Nuzzler magic card). (-And for those of you who don't have young children that are into Yu-Gi-Oh cards, they are just regular collectable paper cards, similar to baseball cards.) I assume she found it on the floor in one of our boys' rooms. Nevertheless, she carries this card in her mouth all around the house all day. When she isn't carrying it, she is either gaurding it or playing with it by sliding it around the marble floors with her paws. She constantly meows when she is engaged with this card. I am not sure if she has "adopted" it or if it is sort of like her "prize", like the hunted prey a cat kills but keeps around for a while. Anyway, she is adorable and as always, never ceases to amaze me. (By the way, great question.)

    • My cat's favorite place to hide is in my sock drawer. He goes underneath the dresser, climbs up the back of the drawers and situates himself amongst my socks. It's so cute and every now and then when I get dressed I open my drawer and there he is.

    • When my cat, Sophie, gets frustrated because I put her off my lap or I don't let her get on it in the first place, she jumps down in a huff and chews on her - get this - George Bush chew toy. I'm not sure if that means she hates him or loves him. She wore one out and wouldn't chew on anything else, so I had to get her another one. Sometimes she also gets a bug up her butt and growls like a lion while she rips around the house really fast. Very funny!