How can I keep my kitten away from all my precious stuff?

I have loads of nice ornaments and photographs on my windowsill and i was wondering how to keep my kitten away from it because i don't want her knocking them over and also I really dont want to put them away in a cupboard, any tips ?Thanks everyone for…

    How can I keep my kitten away from all my precious stuff?

    I have loads of nice ornaments and photographs on my windowsill and i was wondering how to keep my kitten away from it because i don't want her knocking them over and also I really dont want to put them away in a cupboard, any tips ?Thanks everyone for…...
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    • How can I keep my kitten away from all my precious stuff?

      How can I keep my kitten away from all my precious stuff? Other Pet Discussions
      I have loads of nice ornaments and photographs on my windowsill and i was wondering how to keep my kitten away from it because i don't want her knocking them over and also I really dont want to put them away in a cupboard, any tips ?Thanks everyone for your answers... I will put them away untill shes older... i love her to bits!

      How can I keep my kitten away from all my precious stuff?

      How can I keep my kitten away from all my precious stuff? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have two kittens and sadly they always find a way to my nice stuff and knock it over. Maybe you can buy a self or something and place your precious items on the wall safe from their paws.

    • Is your kitten precious too, or just your stuff? You could close your door. The kitten could be contained in one room that doesn't have precious things in it. Why did you get a kitten? They are very curious about everything and also love to sit on window sills. Couldn't you put things away for just awhile until you can find out where her favorite spots are? Get her a scratching post or some toys, and play with her. Maybe she will find something else she enjoys more than your window sill. Good luck. Take care of that kitten!

    • tea bags! seriously! put them around your things! cats hate that smell and mint like tooth paste! hope this works! works when i put them around the tree at Christmas!

    • Kittens are like human toddlers - anything is a toy! If you don't want it broken, then put it away until she's older. Windowsills are really cat magnets - they attract cats and call for them to be there. You're probably going to have to choose between having a pet, and having your nice window display, sorry. That comes with the territory of cat ownership.