How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds?

He really enjoys killing and eating them and it gives me great pleasure to watch him have fun. He is very patient and will keep still for up to 30 minutes waiting for one. But the stupid feathered sods usually fly off before he can capture them. Do you…

    How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds?

    He really enjoys killing and eating them and it gives me great pleasure to watch him have fun. He is very patient and will keep still for up to 30 minutes waiting for one. But the stupid feathered sods usually fly off before he can capture them. Do you…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds?...

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    • How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds?

      How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds? Other Pet Discussions
      He really enjoys killing and eating them and it gives me great pleasure to watch him have fun. He is very patient and will keep still for up to 30 minutes waiting for one. But the stupid feathered sods usually fly off before he can capture them. Do you think a ladder leading up to tree would help him?

      How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds?

      How can I encourage my cat to catch more birds? Other Pet Discussions
    • cats can climb trees with no problem. when ever i see a critter in the yard i usually just pick up my cat so she can see it, thats all she needs.HAHA, lady you have THE funniest questions!

    • lol edna. I hope you also like worming your moggie cause thats what birds will give it. Serious training,go to the pet shop and buy a budgie have some rainy day fun with bootsy.

    • Buy a bird at your local pet store and feed it to him in a enclosed area, such as a bath room. He will have great fun trying to catch it and the bird will not fly off. You're giving him great encouragement and entertainment there. Set out bird feeders, he will have more chances to catch them. Make your backyard looking attractive to birds.