How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night?

In August I purchased a 4 month old kitten, she is now almost 10 months old. And in the middle of the night, she likes to bite feet! She'll randomly bite mine or my girlfriends feet at like 4am! If you try to wiggle your foot out of her grip or gently…

    How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night?

    In August I purchased a 4 month old kitten, she is now almost 10 months old. And in the middle of the night, she likes to bite feet! She'll randomly bite mine or my girlfriends feet at like 4am! If you try to wiggle your foot out of her grip or gently…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night?...

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    • How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night?

      How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night? Other Pet Discussions
      In August I purchased a 4 month old kitten, she is now almost 10 months old. And in the middle of the night, she likes to bite feet! She'll randomly bite mine or my girlfriends feet at like 4am! If you try to wiggle your foot out of her grip or gently kick her off the bed, she just bites harder! And while she doesn't bite on my feet as much as she used to, she absolutely chews on my girlfriends whenever she spends the night. She bit her 6 times last night, my gf couldn't even really sleep through the night. Anyone know why she might be doing this or how I get her to stop? I live in a very small efficency apartment, so putting her in another room is not an option.

      How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night?

      How can I get my cat to stop biting feet in the middle of the night? Other Pet Discussions
    • she will grow out of it i promise, she is in the playfull stage of her life, sure its annoying but she is practicing her hunting skills, what you have to do is just put a heavy or thick blankey over your feet at the end of the bed that way if she goes to attack then she wont get yourt toes. also try to get her a playgym thingy with feathers strings bells... something that moves and is safe for her to play with, good luck and if all else fail shut your door for a few weeks

    • she is not hungry, she wanst to play. to discourage the biting spray your toes with some type of bitter spray before bed. You can get them at pet stores I think there is one called bitter apples. By the way wash hands after use its realy nasty if you taste by mistake.

    • Its most likely just a playful stage right now where the kitty is homing in on her hunting skills. There is a little know home remedy though. Try soaking your feet with a natural citrus scent. Try rubbing orange peels on your toes Cats can't stand citrus smells and will stay away from anything that smells like it.

    • Cats are more active at night, want to play, and want attention. Like clockwork my cat will drag his toy into my room at 4am and torment me until I get up and either kick him out or make him snuggle with me. It's the afternoon for him. Maybe play with the kitty a little more before you go to bed to tire her out.

    • My cat used to do that. We just ended up shutting our doors at night. The annoying thing was th she would try to hide in my room and my mom and I would have to hunt her down and take her out. Sadly Go-chan is no longer with us as of 2 days ago. Her real name is Gohan.

    • Just want to tell you that I appreciate your answer to my question regarding why people from other countries think Americans are so bad. It was enlightening and educating. I have to respond, however, to the dig at me on what I know about politics and that this stuff is poli sci 101. I am not a poli sci student. If I was, I would probably not have asked the question. I was simply trying to get others opinion and possibly learn something. I don't, by any stretch, think I know anything about poli sci. I don't. No need for the sarcasm/smart @ss, as you call yourself. When you have a question about ENGINEERING, I'll be sure to answer you with the same smart@ss attitude.From:One well educated, smart @ss woman to another.