What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua?

I've tried keeping her in a confined space, potty pads.I stand with her at her potty pad for a few min. and then when I think she doesn't have to go we walk away. Then she will go find a place on the carpet...

    What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua?

    I've tried keeping her in a confined space, potty pads.I stand with her at her potty pad for a few min. and then when I think she doesn't have to go we walk away. Then she will go find a place on the carpet......
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua?...

    • What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua?

      What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua? Other Pet Discussions
      I've tried keeping her in a confined space, potty pads.I stand with her at her potty pad for a few min. and then when I think she doesn't have to go we walk away. Then she will go find a place on the carpet...

      What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua?

      What is the best way to potty train my 3mth teacup chihuahua? Other Pet Discussions
    • We use a dog litter box for our chihuahua. He is now 18 weeks old. He still has accidents every now and then, but he does a pretty good job of making it to his box. We just have to worry about when he starts lifting his leg.As far as suggestions, make sure that she is confined when not directly supervised. This will allow you to get to her if she starts looking like she has to go and will prevent an accident while at the same time conditioning her to be in the correct area. If you leave her unattended and she makes a mistake, you can't really blame anyone but yourself. If you catch her in the process of making the mistake, be sure to scold her with a stern "no" and quickly transport her to where you want her to go to the bathroom so that she can finish. Give her a "timeout" of some sort if she goes and is not caught until after. First take her to the area, point it out to her and then put her in her time out. For example, we put our in his transport cage. If I can think of more, I will add. Good luck!EDITED

    • If you are at home with the puppy I have tried it all and the best thing for me was this...First take them out about every 30 min or so and about 5 to 10 min after they eat. Think about it their bladders are small as well as their intestines so they cants hold much for long. And if they do have a accident and you catch them make a loud noise(breaks their concentration so they will try to stop in mid stream) and in a gruf voice say outside. Pick them up and take them to the yard. Then use toilet paper to clean up and then instead of flushing it take it out to the yard where the dog is. So he sees that he is suppose to do his bussiness outside. Then after you have the puppy back in the house take the soiled toilet paper and flush it without the puppy seeing you. Make sure that when you have the puppy outside and he does poo or pee that you give him lots of praise. Example "Good boy/girl you did your bussiness OUTSIDE! Make sure to emphasize the outside. So she knows that is a good thing.

    • This is what has worked for us with our two chihuahuas: When we are not home we put them in a cage that is only big enough for a bed and small potty pad. Dogs will generally not potty on their beds. That gets them used to going on the pad. Since dogs generally don't want to lay next to their "business" all day they'll eventually start to hold it. When you come home carry her straight to the pad outside the cage, gently keep her on the pad phrasing her. When my 3 month old chihuahua won't go right away I put him on the pad and get him excited with high toned phrases and pats on the back! Once your dog has had all her shots and you want her to potty outside you can gradually move the pad towards the door and when you see her go to it take her outside with the pad and put the pad on the grass. Eventually you can just take her outside without the pad. Good luck and remember patience is key!