Do you give your dogs animal bones?

I have two small dogs. My vet told me that bones splinter inthe intestines and create pinholes that ultimately require surgical intervention. She said she performs several of these surgeries every month. Since then, no bones for my guys.You all seem…

    Do you give your dogs animal bones?

    I have two small dogs. My vet told me that bones splinter inthe intestines and create pinholes that ultimately require surgical intervention. She said she performs several of these surgeries every month. Since then, no bones for my guys.You all seem…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you give your dogs animal bones?...

    • Do you give your dogs animal bones?

      Do you give your dogs animal bones? General Dog Discussions
      I have two small dogs. My vet told me that bones splinter inthe intestines and create pinholes that ultimately require surgical intervention. She said she performs several of these surgeries every month. Since then, no bones for my guys.You all seem quite divided. I make my own dogfood, fresh, a couple times a week. Rare beef, cooked chicken or rare lamb. Never raw. Never pork. I'll stick with the no bones side of this debate. Thank you all for your responses. Very enlightening!

      Do you give your dogs animal bones?

      Do you give your dogs animal bones? General Dog Discussions
    • I give them beef bones, chicken and turkey bones are not only too soft but also too small, pork bones are way to soft, but cow bones are safe, otherwise they wouldnt sell them in the store

    • No bones, ever. I could never take a chance like that with my furbabies. They get the occasional lean meats ( chicken, beef, but no fatty parts or bones), but other than that they stick to their dog food.Your vet is right. Good for listening to him!

    • My dogs get raw (never cooked!) bones almost every day. The chances of an uncooked bone splintering is very slim compared to a cooked bone. I mean quite frankly there is a risk with feeding anything! I've heard several stories and have known 2 dogs that died from choking on kibble. To me the health and psychological benefits of feedign raw bones FAR out weights the risks.

    • Raw bones and bleached bones should be fine, but the ones that are smoked or whatever with the jerky splinter really easily. I give my husky raw frozen bones (I do get them from the pet store just because she has allergies and can only have certain types) and she loves them. Also if they are boiled (I know this about chicken, I do not know about other types of animals) for a long time they become soft and pliable -you could cut them in half with a fork- and they can have those as well

    • I have an adorable samoyed mix named Delilah. She always begged for the bones from roasts, etc., but my vet told me the same thing your vet did - regular animal bones can be dangerous for any size of dog. Instead, I give her rawhide bones and replace them after they've been thoroughly chewed up.

    • Nylabones are good for your dogs (I'm pretty sure) and I think animal bones every once in a while couldn't hurt, but if you are concerend then I would listen to your vet, but I don't think my vet ever said anything about that.

    • Well It depends because some bones will cut you dogs belly open and that will make it die so be very careful feeding your dog bones pig ears are ok most deer bones are ok check with a local vet though before you start to feed your dogs bones.

    • I've always given my dogs soup bones.... we buy them in the grocery store and boil them so the marrow is cooked and we give them each one about every month or so... maybe every two months, but they love them and my vet says as long as the bone is thicker then my finger on all sides and the meat is cooked... no problems! of course we are with them while they're eating them so we can watch to make sure everything is OK, but so far (and this has been for over 5 years) we've never had a bone splinter or break!

    • I also have 2 small dogs and I do not give any kind of bones to them. I have given my first dog some ribs bones when she was younger, but she would throw up after it (probably because she has always had very healthy dog food and not people food), so I decided not to do so anymore. I had another small dog, which I left to my mother when I moved away and got married, she gives him all kinds of bones and has never ever had any problem. I would say that, even though I don't think it is the healthiest thing, if you wanna give your dogs any bones, it would be safer to give big ones, cow or pig bones. If your dog's stomach appears to be sensitive to it, like mine, it is recommended to stop doing so. Never give your dogs chicken or fish bones, those are definately dangerous.

    • Bones or no bones, that is the question. There have been many debates on this subject. I know clients that feed their dogs meat bones with no problems, however, I have also seen many a bone removed from the stomachs and intestines of dogs as well. I personally would never feed my dogs any type of meat bone. Use your best judgment, they are your babies. But, I would say don't do it, it is too much of a risk.