What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate?

My niece has an appointment in the morning to get her puppies health certificates. She lives in the state of Florida.I guess my main question is, she normally buys puppy vaccinations from a feed store and administers them herself. Does she need to get…

    What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate?

    My niece has an appointment in the morning to get her puppies health certificates. She lives in the state of Florida.I guess my main question is, she normally buys puppy vaccinations from a feed store and administers them herself. Does she need to get…...
    General Dog Discussions : What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate?...

    • What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate?

      What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate? General Dog Discussions
      My niece has an appointment in the morning to get her puppies health certificates. She lives in the state of Florida.I guess my main question is, she normally buys puppy vaccinations from a feed store and administers them herself. Does she need to get their shots done at the vets office where she is getting the health certificates or will it be okay for her to administer them herself? She has already treated them for parasites using Panacur.

      What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate?

      What all needs to be done before you take your puppy to get a health certificate? General Dog Discussions
    • Can she get rabies vaccine from a feed store? I highly doubt it. What is the health certificate for? Travel abroad? Generally all that is needed for that is a rabies certif. Call a vet and see if they will give you a certif. You will at a minimum probably have to show receipts, but I am guessing a vet won't issue a certif if they didn't administer the treatment him/herself.

    • Generally, a vet examines the puppy and signs a paper saying that the puppy was free of diseases, etc, as far as he could tell AT THE TIME OF THE EXAMINATION. If your niece kept good records of which lot, brand, and type of vaccine was given when (and can bring them along), and she is on good terms with the examining vet, then she should have no problem.I just used the capital letters above to draw attention to the fact that health certificates are not worth much even though they are necessary for interstate travel.