What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?

I'll start:disposable razor, electrical wiring, crunched christmas ornaments, eyeglasses, TV remote and I'd like to say "baby gate doorknob" except I didn't catch him eating it, until he pooped it out whole, after a trip to the vet.it is amazing - you…

    What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?

    I'll start:disposable razor, electrical wiring, crunched christmas ornaments, eyeglasses, TV remote and I'd like to say "baby gate doorknob" except I didn't catch him eating it, until he pooped it out whole, after a trip to the vet.it is amazing - you…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?...

    • my old dog ate the vertical blinds and my roommates eye glassesmy current dog i found gnawing on a dead seal that had washed up on the beach (i gag a little remembering it)my friends dog ate a chicken shish kabob off the barbeque and the bamboo skewer became lodged in the dog and required 5000 dollars in surgery and treatment to get the dog back to health

    • My Pitt Bull ate my Cable television remote, the entire thing, all that was left in front of the couch was the tiny little numbers. Yes he ate the batteries, and the circuit board and all the wires. No,The channel does not change when he barks. The Vet said it would pass or it wouldn't and it did. He also said my dog was teething and hi needed chew toys, so I bought a 2x4 and cut it into 5 inch pieces, which my Dog would turn into saw dust, He finally grew out of the chewing phase.This was years ago and he has since learned not to chew things.

    • ChapstickStraight sticks of butterWrappersElectric wiring in the backyard - needless to say, my father was not pleased when the football game he was watching turned offGarbage bagsNeck tiesMy little dog likes to take my underwear all the time - I'm talking bras and panties. He takes them out of hampers, suitcases, when they're laid out on my bed while I'm getting dressed. He likes to chew on them.

    • Joy tried to eat my budgie Alassandro. Had him in her mouth. She ate a huge moth like the size of my hand.Used acne pads. Yup. She just swallows 'em. How is she still alive???She tries to eat used tampons/pads.MY WALL!! Um... I think she tried to eat my phone once.And she tries to eat my underwear!!She eats my air when I blow in her face. My brother's dog tried to EAT water....A bloody remote!!A cup she found on a table.

    • Cow poop, dead rabbits, frogs, a pheasant head, socks, bra straps, wood, a shoe, vomit, my brand new eyeglasses (stolen from a height of 4-1/2 feet, which I THOUGHT was out of reach), the last few pages of several books that I was nearly done reading, tomatoes (I wouldn't have thought a dog would love them like that, but one of mine would pick them right off the plant and devour them). My husband's friend has a dog that recently ate part of his golf bag and new driver (ATE it), one of my dogs chewed up every remote control in the house over the course of a week (I had to buy FIVE more-they were FIFTY bucks each-could I find a book on training husbands to put things AWAY?!?!).I had a dog who loved hand lotion-if he could get his paws on a tube, he'd chew the top off, and squeeze it out with his paws and devour it.

    • This particular over sized Boxer mix came out of a drug house in a big city. There was suspicion she had been used as a "test subject" for street drugs. She for sure had ISSUES, a few bolts loose and was a rampant chewer.Her menu over her lifetime was:A $100 Scientific Calculator (copped from a backpack)Jewelry - anything she could steal off my dresserRare plant bulbsA thermometer (that she found in a new house I just moved into - cause I didn't own one)A 12' tree...chewed off at ground levelHer own poopMoney - paper or coin (anything she could reach on the table, or counter top. Cat, dog, raccoon, cow and bird poopHuman poop (camping once.. I thought I was gonna die)Multiple hosesParts of a broken light bulbA "floater" she fished out of the kid's johnA USED feminine napkin *gasp*she snagged out of the weeds (on the side of the road) while on a walk... My dad's cherished barrel cactus.My grandson's plastic alligatorBumble Bees / yellow jackets/ honey beesQuailBUT... WHAT ALMOST KILLED HER (besides ME)... wasA 2"x2" redwood rung off my deck railing. She chewed it out one summer day so she could poke her head out of the railing and watching me pull into the driveway. She was in the vets for almost a week being treated for that stunt. She lived...but just barely. Oddly...she's now pushing 11 yrs old and sleeping on the rug right behind my computer chair. I didn't dare rehome her.. I was afraid someone would take her out and SHOOT HER. It wasn't her fault her brain was fried. Now...she's allllllll gray faced and moves with a hitch in her git-a-long. She still occasionally steals a grocery receipt if she can snag it...but it's more for attention then anything else...LOL *knock on wood*... she has not ruined anything of value in a long time...ADDED:You guys mentioning furniture disasters - A friend of mine went and got an adolescent, very rambunctious Boxer and for what ever BRAIN FART REASON...she left him home alone (.l-o-o-s-e in her house) about a week after she got him. When she got back he had pulled the cushions off her n-e-w couch! Starting on the front...he chewed a whole clear out the BACK of the couch! She called me for sympathy and all I could do was laugh until I cried......rotffffffffffff. Duh x 100...lol What WAS she thinking?