How much are shots for 4mth old puppy?

I am taking two 4mth old puppies to the vet to get all the shots they need at 4mths. I forgot to ask the vet how much this might cost...does anyone have any idea? Also, anyone know what shots they will receive?

    How much are shots for 4mth old puppy?

    I am taking two 4mth old puppies to the vet to get all the shots they need at 4mths. I forgot to ask the vet how much this might cost...does anyone have any idea? Also, anyone know what shots they will receive?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much are shots for 4mth old puppy?...

    • How much are shots for 4mth old puppy?

      How much are shots for 4mth old puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I am taking two 4mth old puppies to the vet to get all the shots they need at 4mths. I forgot to ask the vet how much this might cost...does anyone have any idea? Also, anyone know what shots they will receive?

      How much are shots for 4mth old puppy?

      How much are shots for 4mth old puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • The shots add up to about fifty dollars for each puppy. Then, if you are going to the vet, you have to add their office visit fee. Some vets charge this fee once for more than one dog, some charge the office visit fee for each animalIf you can find a low-cost clinic, you will save the cost of the office visit - then you need to take the shot records to your vet so they know the puppies are up-to-date.A possible vaccination schedule for the 'average' dog is shown below. Dog Vaccination Schedule Age Vaccination 5 weeks Parvovirus: for puppies at high risk of exposure to parvo, some veterinarians recommend vaccinating at 5 weeks. Check with your veterinarian. 6 & 9 weeks Combination vaccine* without leptospirosis. 12 weeks or older Rabies: Given by your local veterinarian (age at vaccination may vary according to local law). 12 & 15 weeks** Combination vaccine Leptospirosis: include leptospirosis in the combination vaccine where leptospirosis is a concern, or if traveling to an area where it occurs. Lyme: where Lyme disease is a concern or if traveling to an area where it occurs. Adult (boosters)§ Combination vaccine Leptospirosis: include leptospirosis in the combination vaccine where leptospirosis is a concern, or if traveling to an area where it occurs. Lyme: where Lyme disease is a concern or if traveling to an area where it occurs. Rabies: Given by your local veterinarian (time interval between vaccinations may vary according to local law). *A combination vaccine, often called a 5-way vaccine, usually includes adenovirus cough and hepatitis, distemper, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Some combination vaccines may also include leptospirosis (7-way vaccines) and/or coronavirus. The inclusion of either canine adenovirus-1 or adenovirus-2 in a vaccine will protect against both adenovirus cough and hepatitis; adenovirus-2 is highly preferred. **Some puppies may need additional vaccinations against parvovirus after 15 weeks of age. Consult with your local veterinarian.§ According to the AVMA and AAHA, dogs at low risk of disease exposure may not need to be boostered yearly for most diseases. Consult with your local veterinarian to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your dog. Remember, recommendations vary depending on the age, breed, and health status of the dog, the potential of the dog to be exposed to the disease, the type of vaccine, whether the dog is used for breeding, and the geographical area where the dog lives or may visit.Bordetella and parainfluenza: For complete canine cough protection, we recommend Intra-Trac II ADT. For dogs that are shown, in field trials, or are boarded, we recommend vaccination every six months with Intra-Trac II ADT.