Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua?

I need to clip the puppy's nails, and I don't want the nail to splinter or split. I was wondering if it would be better to use small guillotine clipper, or a large toenail clipper? Serious answers only please!

    Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua?

    I need to clip the puppy's nails, and I don't want the nail to splinter or split. I was wondering if it would be better to use small guillotine clipper, or a large toenail clipper? Serious answers only please!...
    General Dog Discussions : Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua?...

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    • Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua?

      Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua? General Dog Discussions
      I need to clip the puppy's nails, and I don't want the nail to splinter or split. I was wondering if it would be better to use small guillotine clipper, or a large toenail clipper? Serious answers only please!

      Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua?

      Would it be better to use on a 5 month old Chihuahua? General Dog Discussions
    • i would use small b/c there nails a so small try the small and see how they work and if it doesnt do right be very careful when you use the bigger ones

    • I prefer the scissor style toenail clippers to the guillotine because the guillotine can make them split and they do not cut as clean. Also, since you have a Chi, you may be able to use cat toenail clippers.

    • You should get a good nail clipper made for small dogs. Don't use the large ones or the ones made for humans, as our nails have a different shape. The ones made for dogs can do a better job than the ones made for us, since our nails are flat.Also, if you don't mind spending the extra money, you can buy a nail grinder for pets, which grinds the nail down. This is actually a lot less messy and easier for the dog once he/she gets use to the little bit of noise. You definately don't get any bleeding toes.Of course, the best way to train for any kind of nail cutting is to let the dog know that it's ok, and that it won't hurt. Don't force anything, and try not to cut too many nails at once, which may stress your dog out. Just do it slowly, and let him/her get use to it! Good luck!

    • I suggest you use the small guillotine cliper because it won't split the nail. My father used to be a dog groomer, and a vets assistant, and he told me to tell you to use the small guillotine clipper, and trust me, he knows what he is talking about!

    • Groomer here hon. I use a cat nail scissor.The guillotine is the worst piece of junk ever created, the blade pops out all of the time and it spits and splinters the toe nail most of the time. The scissor style nail clipper is the easiest on the dog and the owner. It comes in various sizes from tiny to large breed and cat. I always use the cat size on puppies because it lets me see the nail without a lot of metal blocking the view. It's hard enough to cut those tiny nails without having to visually dodge around your equipment.

    • I have a Chihuahua too and you should use a small one the best place to go to is Petco for toenail clippers and if you accidentally cut the dog which proably wont happen they have medication for that.(My Chihuahua is 4 years old and i still havent cut her with the small ones but big i clipped her skin a little.)They have the kind just for puppies too and dont get a noisy one it will drive your dog nuts and you mite cut itp.s. If the nails are black take it too the vet

    • You could use either a cat claw clipper or a small dog nail clipper. Whichever you choose, just make sure not to clip too far. Take a little bit off at a time until you start to see a little black or pink half-moon shape start to appear. Dont go any farther than that, or she will bleed. Be wary of the clippers that have a so-called guard on them, the quick (or vein) is in a different place on each dog, and this guard thing is not helpful to determine where that may be in your particular dogs nail. Stop by your local grooming salon and they will most likely be willing to show you exactly how to do the nails so she doesnt get hurt.

    • So far this is what I like the best. I take my Chihuahua to the vet every two to three weeks to get her nails cliped. But they take a "Dremel power tool" that has the sand-paper end on it. They just sand down the nails. It works the best! You don't get the ruff edges or the splinter nails, and you don't have to panic about cutting the nail to short. I think it is great! It also makes the nail smooth, unlike when you clip the nail, you get that ruff edge that also can scratch up your legs when the pooches are wanting up. This is what my vet uses.

    • are u clippinog them b/c they're really long? because if u have a tiny little chihuahua like a teacup, i honestly wouldn't clip the nails....too dangerous....let your dog walk around, play on some concrete every day to keep the nails a suitable length and wear. if u still want to clip the nails, id talk to a professional groomer

    • use a nail clipper made for dogs. if the nails are white you can see the quick , if they are black take a little off at a time and have some septic powder on hand to clot the blood if you booboo.

    • chihuahuas are considered as small breeds of dogs, so it is not necessary to use large toenail clippers. your puppy is still 5 months old, and is still growing. the size of your puppy;s nail is not as big as an adult's nails, so using a small guillotine clipper would be more appropriate.