Why should you get your dog neutered?

I'm want to know why people get their dogs neutered? Is it only so they won't have to worry about their dogs having babies?

    Why should you get your dog neutered?

    I'm want to know why people get their dogs neutered? Is it only so they won't have to worry about their dogs having babies?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why should you get your dog neutered?...

    • Why should you get your dog neutered?

      Why should you get your dog neutered? General Dog Discussions
      I'm want to know why people get their dogs neutered? Is it only so they won't have to worry about their dogs having babies?

      Why should you get your dog neutered?

      Why should you get your dog neutered? General Dog Discussions
    • Male dogs are neutered. Male dogs cannot have puppies. Please speak to your parents and have the "birds and bee" talk with them. Dogs don't have babies, they have puppies.

    • I had my dogs neutered so they didn't have babies and so their hormones would stop and they'd stop humping things.. lol.Mine?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120909150448AAwC03F

    • Neutering male dogs and spaying female dogs ultimately leads to less pet overpopulation - if everyone with pet dogs would do it! It does however, also have positive effect on health. Dogs are less likely to develop cancers as they age - for females, cervical and mammary cancers are reduced/removed from occurring; for male dogs, prostate and testicular cancer is reduced/removed from occurring. Dogs that are spayed/neutered are said to live longer lives because they are also less likely to roam.Here's a good article written by the ASPCA that may help answer this question for you: Dogs: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/dog-care/dog-care-spay-neuter.aspxCats: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/cat-care/spay-neuter.aspx

    • Not all people get thier dogs neutered. If you are a responsible person and can control your dog then it's your decision. Breeders I know neutered thier dog and it still got out and searched for the girls:)o...

    • Getting you dog neutered will be the best choice you will make. When a male gets a female pregnant, the puppies that she gives birth to will probably end up in shelters, or worst, dead. Most dog owners can't afford to feed an extra 6 puppies in the house. Everybody should get their dog(s) neutered / spayed.

    • The biggest reason is because 9.6 million dogs died in the shelters during 2011. Plus males that are neutered don't pee on everything and they aren't as dominate toward others. I'd say the biggest reason is to prevent puppies.