Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received?

My 12 week old chihuahua puppy received her second round of puppy shots today. 2hrs later, after playing with other dogs at my home, her nose, ears, and feet turned a bright red color and her face became very swollen within seconds. Her ears also began…

    Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received?

    My 12 week old chihuahua puppy received her second round of puppy shots today. 2hrs later, after playing with other dogs at my home, her nose, ears, and feet turned a bright red color and her face became very swollen within seconds. Her ears also began…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received?...

    • Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received?

      Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received? General Dog Discussions
      My 12 week old chihuahua puppy received her second round of puppy shots today. 2hrs later, after playing with other dogs at my home, her nose, ears, and feet turned a bright red color and her face became very swollen within seconds. Her ears also began to swell and get bubbly like they were blistering. Her feet also became swollen. This swelling eventually went down after time and a 1/4 dose of children's benadryl. However, 1-2hrs after the swelling went away, she played with the other dogs again and her face became swollen again within seconds of her stopping to calm down after playing.The swelling has gone down again and has never caused her to have issues breathing.I am just wondering if I should keep her from playing or running for a few days and how long I should expect this swelling to occur?Also, is there anything I can do to keep the swelling from occurring? It's very scary even though she doesn't seem to be in pain.I'd just like to point out the first thing I did within a few minutes of the swelling occurring was talk to my vet to make sure it wasn't a life threatening situation. I am just looking for advice from people who may have experienced a problem like this before. Thanks!

      Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received?

      Is my puppy allergic to the shots she received? General Dog Discussions
    • Talk to your vet! They know more about animals than anyone on Y Answers ever will! You should especially talk to them if shots that they gave your puppy could be causing this.

    • What Dave said. And, until you do talk to your vet (which I would do as soon as possible, or call an emergency facility), please keep her quiet... there may be a connection with activity, or that may just have been when the meds wore off. I would also be checking on her at least every hour, including setting an alarm if I was going to bed.I would consider not vaccinating this pup in the future. If it is legally manditory (rabies, for example), I would make sure she was pre-dosed with Benadryl and I would stay at the vet's office for at least a couple of hours afterwards. There is no need to have another DHPP given, ever...

    • Absolutely you must speak to your vet about what happened - if only for the next time!! It's unwise to ever self-treat, much as they vet may well have advised you to do what you did (the Benadryl).

    • Sounds very much like vaccine reactions. Hopefully your vet wrote this down on your record so a differnent type of vaccine will be used for any followup shots. I don't trust the people working in a vets office to keep good tract of what they say on the phone, so you make sure to remind them when you go back for any other vaccinations.Here is a list of what to look for;