My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen?

Are there toys to get him off?He has great hunting genetics and I want a pup from him, still neuter?

    My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen?

    Are there toys to get him off?He has great hunting genetics and I want a pup from him, still neuter?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen?...

    • My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen?

      My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen? General Dog Discussions
      Are there toys to get him off?He has great hunting genetics and I want a pup from him, still neuter?

      My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen?

      My dog has an enlarged prostate. What works to get him to release semen? General Dog Discussions
    • uhm. you could try to contact your vet. that would be good.EDIT:Yes, still neuter him.His genetics may be good, but we don't need another 10 unwanted pups in this country. We have enough in the shelters.

    • An enlarged prostate can become a life threatening problem. If the prostate becomes large enough it can obstruct the flow of urine completely which could cause death. You can avoid future problems by having your pet neutered.If you have a vet where you live that does AI (artificial insemination) perhaps you could freeze the semen for future use and then go ahead and get him neutered. If you care for him then his health should be more important than breeding him.