How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog?

Okay so I'm trying to convince my parents that a dog would be a great pet for the whole family! But I just can't seem to get them to say yes. I would like a Yorkshire Terrier, because they're cute, they're small and they're just like all around amazing…

    How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog?

    Okay so I'm trying to convince my parents that a dog would be a great pet for the whole family! But I just can't seem to get them to say yes. I would like a Yorkshire Terrier, because they're cute, they're small and they're just like all around amazing…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog?...

    • How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog?

      How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog? General Dog Discussions
      Okay so I'm trying to convince my parents that a dog would be a great pet for the whole family! But I just can't seem to get them to say yes. I would like a Yorkshire Terrier, because they're cute, they're small and they're just like all around amazing dogs :) So I need some tips on how to convince my parents that we should get a puppy. Please help :)

      How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog?

      How do I convince my parents to let me get a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • It would be easier to get a house broken one. Yorkshire Terriers don't shed much. They would probably find you more responsible if you did all of your chores and more without being asked. Maybe if a friend or relative has a dog you could show your parents that you're good around dogs

    • To begin with, you don't CONVINCE them - they are your parents and you need to abide by theirrules. They are the ones who have to pay for it and do most of the training.A responsible dog owner doesn't HAVE to be convinced. If you think a dog would be greatfor the whole family, the WHOLE FAMILY needs to agree on it - otherwise it isn't fair to get one.Everyone in the famly needs to be willing to partake in it's care, training and grooming.Just because a Yorkie is "cute" doesn't mean the breed is good for your family. First off, a well bred Yorkie will cost around $800 or more. You need to research the breed. Yorkies are yappy and can be fragile and can't be subjected to rough playing. Their hair tangles constantly and they needcombed out sometimes twice a day. There is alot of time involved in keeping the coat in condition if you do it yourself - if not, you will have the expense of a groomer. Puppies need to be taken outside and WALKED to potty every TWO HOURS and kept in a cage if you're not watching it. Your parents will have to pay for puppy shots, rabies shots, wormings,heartworm tests, heartworm preventative, flea prevenative, spay or neuter, dog license andmicrocipping. Shots are due every year, preventatives due every month. That's alot to remember.You need to research on line all of the things I've mentioned above before you even THINK aboutgetting a dog. Learn all about caring for one BEFORE you get one, ok?? Puppies get very sad when the owners decide they don't want them anymore if they don't want to care for them.Just be patient - you're young. I was never allowed to have a dog when I was living at home.My mother always used to say "When you get married and have a place of your own, you canhave all the dogs you want"......So, I got married to a man who also loves dogs, and bought a 4 acre farm and a big house - and I've always had around 30 dogs for35 years. But I've worked with vets to learn and worked at a Humane Society, took obedience classes and learned to groom by shaving down abuse cases at the Humane Society.You might want to volunteer at a local shelter if you love dogs. Ask to walk your neighbor's dogs -maybe they'll pay you.

    • I wish I knew how old you are. But my suggestion is to volunteer at a local humane society. I volunteer there myself. I walk dogs there on the weekends. You should see if you can volunteer at a local humane society or dog pound. My local dog pound doesn't allow volunteers to interact with the dogs. You will need to check the rules for yours.Also, I would not advise you to bug your parents. I would let your actions show you are ready for a dog. Maybe casually mention getting a dog on occasions. But don't keep bugging them. Good luck.