How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog?

Even just an average or estimate would be fine. I need to know before I can commit to adopting this puppy. I'm not sure if I can afford it on top of getting him neutered. Also if you can give an estamite for a neuter that'd be cool. Thank you.

    How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog?

    Even just an average or estimate would be fine. I need to know before I can commit to adopting this puppy. I'm not sure if I can afford it on top of getting him neutered. Also if you can give an estamite for a neuter that'd be cool. Thank you....
    General Dog Discussions : How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog?...

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    • How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog?

      How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog? General Dog Discussions
      Even just an average or estimate would be fine. I need to know before I can commit to adopting this puppy. I'm not sure if I can afford it on top of getting him neutered. Also if you can give an estamite for a neuter that'd be cool. Thank you.

      How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog?

      How much would a vet charge to repair a double detached eye duct in an English Bulldog? General Dog Discussions
    • No more than 1200 (for the eye surgery) it really depends where you live. How bad is the situation. If you can apply for a discount.Neutered would be no more than $230 again like I said it really depends where you live and if you apply for a discount. My cousin got his cat fixed for 50 bucks cuz he applied for a discount it was going to be 160.

    • The dog would need to be seen by a specialist, a canine ophthalmologist. No one here can even give you an estimate. Your regular vet needs to refer you to this specialist. I can tell you that it cost me $1200.00 just to have my cat's eye ulcer treated, with no surgery involved, and that was a good five years ago. Of course prices have gone up since then. You need to take your dog in for a consultation. As far as neutering is concerned, most vet's go by weight, so again, we'd have no idea what it's going to cost. Call your local vets and ask. Different vets, in different areas, charge different prices.EDIT: LONE WOLF, you are so very wrong. An eye surgery is going to cost way more than I paid, $1200.00, to have my cat's eye ulcer, with NO surgery involved.