What would be an average cost for feeding raw?

I have been doing some reseach on the raw diets and I was wondering what it would cost to feed an 85 pound dog for a month. Right now I feed him Diamond natural and it about a little over a bag a month. I also have bullmastiff puppy that is 12 weeks that…

    What would be an average cost for feeding raw?

    I have been doing some reseach on the raw diets and I was wondering what it would cost to feed an 85 pound dog for a month. Right now I feed him Diamond natural and it about a little over a bag a month. I also have bullmastiff puppy that is 12 weeks that…...
    General Dog Discussions : What would be an average cost for feeding raw?...

    • What would be an average cost for feeding raw?

      What would be an average cost for feeding raw? General Dog Discussions
      I have been doing some reseach on the raw diets and I was wondering what it would cost to feed an 85 pound dog for a month. Right now I feed him Diamond natural and it about a little over a bag a month. I also have bullmastiff puppy that is 12 weeks that I would like to put on a raw diet to if it doesn't cost me a fortune.how much does it cost you to feed your dog a raw diet and how much does the dog weigh

      What would be an average cost for feeding raw?

      What would be an average cost for feeding raw? General Dog Discussions
    • it really depends on how much per pound the meat and bones are where you live. http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm This site gives some good answers to questions and also gives a estimate of how much you feed to how much your dog weighs.

    • Its on depends on where you are getting your meat from and what you are feeding. The price will vary from person to person and if you are buying in bulkTake advantage of mark down meat, make friends with the meat dept manager or the manager at the discount grocer if you have one. Bulk buying will often save you money and find you some good meals. If you have farmer, rabbit breeders, hunters in your area you can find inexpensive sources of meat here as wellA friend on a raw feeding mailing list reccently gout over 20lbs of marked down freezer burnt meat for about 5-6$ from a discount grocer.Here are some groups that will be of more helphttp://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/RawPup/http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/RawChat/http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/CarnivoreFeed-Supplier/http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Prey4Pets/As for how much you would feed you dog each day -if your adult dog is not overweight or under weight 2.5% of his weight is 1.065 pounds (17 ounces) for one meal at two meals a dayFor the pup you'd want to feed either for his current weight or for his ideal adult weight - honestly don't remember at the moment - join raw pup

    • I don't have the time to make my dog a homemade raw diet. Instead I buy one from my vet (who is holistic) that is called Tollden Farms. It is premade patties so it is already a balanced diet for your dog and all you have to do is add specific supplements for your individual dog's needs. There are many prepackaged raw meat diets available for dogs including Healthy Paws (I used to use it, but it is more convenient for me to buy it from my vet now and the ingredients are the same).I feed my 40 lb dog 1 lb of raw meat a day which is equal to 1 patty twice a day. In a month I spend about $150-$180 depending on the type of meat I buy. For example chicken, turkey and beef tend to be cheaper than lamb. My dog gets a variety of these as well as boar and venison. For an 85 lb dog, depending on its metabolism, you'd be feeding at least 2 lbs of meat maybe more a day. This would cost you a minimum of $300 a month. The bull mastiff puppy will also be eating a fair amount of raw food since growing puppies need lots of nutrients. Again this is if you take the easy way out and go prepackaged. When you make it from scratch yourself it is usually a lot cheaper, but like I said I don't have enough time to make my dog homemade food.Good luck!