My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !?

My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified that he will die from the anesthesia . I need a real vet to answer besides mine to reasure me that he wont die .Thanks for any answers .

    My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !?

    My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified that he will die from the anesthesia . I need a real vet to answer besides mine to reasure me that he wont die .Thanks for any answers ....
    General Dog Discussions : My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !?...

    • My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !?

      My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !? General Dog Discussions
      My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified that he will die from the anesthesia . I need a real vet to answer besides mine to reasure me that he wont die .Thanks for any answers .

      My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !?

      My 3 year old dog is getting fixed tomorrow and i am terrified !? General Dog Discussions
    • I woked at a vet clinic for quite some time, trust me when I say it's completly safe for your dog to be neutered. The anesthesia can't be dangerous unless the dog is weak to begin with or your vet used too much.

    • It is true that some dogs will have an allergic reaction to the anethesia. The good news is, if he's big enough, and your vet is good enough (of which I'm sure he is) they usually pull through. It's only really a danger to small breed pups. If your dog weighs over 4 lbs, I really wouldn't worry.

    • I'm sure that your dog will be fine. Getting your dog fixed will help it in the long run. Your dog will be less likely to have cancer and other problems from not being fixed when it is older. I know a guy that didn't have his great dane fixed and now he has prostate cancer and all most died. Your helping your dog.