If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat?

It is a pitbull. And he is now 11week. But been the same size he was at 8weeks. And My Friend have a Pitbull that is the same age (diff moms) and His Dog is like 2x the size.P.S I am gettin Shots this Week.

    If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat?

    It is a pitbull. And he is now 11week. But been the same size he was at 8weeks. And My Friend have a Pitbull that is the same age (diff moms) and His Dog is like 2x the size.P.S I am gettin Shots this Week....
    General Dog Discussions : If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat?...

    • If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat?

      If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat? General Dog Discussions
      It is a pitbull. And he is now 11week. But been the same size he was at 8weeks. And My Friend have a Pitbull that is the same age (diff moms) and His Dog is like 2x the size.P.S I am gettin Shots this Week.

      If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat?

      If my dog have not had 6week shot,Is that why he wont keep his body fat? General Dog Discussions
    • At 6 weeks of age this pup should be with his mom and brothers/sisters. However, as you already have him I would suggest worming him. It sounds as though he could well have worms. Get the wormer from your vet as he will probably need a liquid wormer.

    • Okay, I'm sure you know hw should have his shots by now. If you are getting them this week, then that is good.Not getting his shots will not have an effect on his size unless he is ill. The term "pit bull" can be used to describe a few different breeds as well as some mixes. Therefore sizes can vary. Some well bred APBT's are smaller in size than BYB bred pups just labeled as pit bulls. The American Staffordshire Terrier is also lumped in the "pit bull" name and it is generally smaller than an APBT.Nutrition can also play a big role. What is your dog eating? How often? He should be eating a good quality puppy food 3X a day. You will need to ask the vet when you see him/her for shots if your dog is underweight. The vets usually deworm pups twice by this point...so worms could also be playing a role.

    • The breeder should have had the first set of shots done by the time she let you have him when he was 8 weeks old. A good breeder doesn't let a puppy go before 8 weeks old. As for the difference in size...your dog may be mixed with something else, or you got a runt.