3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet?

It is a little red also.

    3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet?

    It is a little red also....
    General Dog Discussions : 3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet?...

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    • 3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet?

      3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      It is a little red also.

      3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet?

      3-1/2 month old Great Dane puppy has a pimple or boil under her arm should I take her to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • If it looks like a pimple or a boil it's more than likely an abscess. Yes, you need to take her to the vet.ADD: Rich you need glasses LOL. The avatars are only vaguely similar.Having owned a particular breed for 25 years that is predisposed to malignancies, I don't take risks with my dogs. If I don't know what I'm looking at I take the dog to the vet to find out. I wonder why people here appear to be so reluctant to take their dogs to the vet.

    • I personally would take to the vets. It may not be a boil or a pimple, it could be a small red cell tumor or something far worse.If it is a boil and is infected a pup of that age may need it lanced and antibiotics.Don't delay and wait when it comes to lumps on dogs, you just never know what it may be.

    • I wouldn't. Dogs get all sorts of lumps and bumps, just keep an eye on it. Our vet laughed at us (nicely) for taking our dog to him for every little thing. I suppose it's like your first kid - you're off to the hospital every time s/he gets a sniffle.I'm guessing your dog wears a harness when you walk her. You might want to look at differing styles of harness, it could just be where the harness rubs. We got through four or five different styles of harness for our boy before we found one that seemed to suit him, prior to that he always ended up with rashes or sores on his chest or shoulders or armpits.EDIT Dog4me and Moondog - don't you look alike! And aren't you all just a little bit prone to panicking!? Seriously, the dog will be fine, just keep an eye on it...

    • Yes; take her to the vet. Young dogs shouldn't have problems like that; if they do, it is likely that something is wrong. Also, since she is away from her mother now, the immunities she got from her mother's milk are beginning to wear off. Young dogs have weaker immune systems than older dogs, so she might need some help fighting off an infection if she has one. Your vet will be able to identify the problem, and will probably give her some antibiotics or a cortisone shot if it is an abscess or lymph node swelling.

    • It's possibly a tumor, but it's often in the mouth. Tumors for dogs are usually when they are old, so this can be an infection from your house or from the environment in your house. You must take her to the vet, it can be serious.

    • I have had a few great danes that got lumps in their arm pits and near the teats. Mine are just little pussy spots and after a few days they pop and then they go away, take to the vets for peace of mind.