3 months old puppy broken legs?

let me make it simple for you guys, consider that i live in the year 1500 a.d no vets no docs no transport and i need to cast my pup which i found in severe cold with two broken legs probably from a fall from 60 feet height. And that was 2 days ago, i…

    3 months old puppy broken legs?

    let me make it simple for you guys, consider that i live in the year 1500 a.d no vets no docs no transport and i need to cast my pup which i found in severe cold with two broken legs probably from a fall from 60 feet height. And that was 2 days ago, i…...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 months old puppy broken legs?...

    • 3 months old puppy broken legs?

      3 months old puppy broken legs? General Dog Discussions
      let me make it simple for you guys, consider that i live in the year 1500 a.d no vets no docs no transport and i need to cast my pup which i found in severe cold with two broken legs probably from a fall from 60 feet height. And that was 2 days ago, i fed him i gave him a bath with hot water dried him up take him every two hours for pee etc. HOW TO CAST HIS BROKEN LEGS?

      3 months old puppy broken legs?

      3 months old puppy broken legs? General Dog Discussions
    • And let me make it simple for you.. TAKE THE POOR ANIMAL TO A VET! How would u like it if you broke ur legs and didn't go to A doc? If you can't afford to pay for a vet then u need to surrender the poor animal to someone that can and will care enough to help it!! The poor thing is suffering, and u don't deserve to own a dog! Shit the poor animal would be better with a bullet to the head than sit and suffer with you, it would be more humane! God I hate stupid people!