How do I train a dog to stop peeing inside the house?
How do I train a dog to stop peeing inside the house? General Dog Discussions
He gets to go outside, the backyard door is always open for him to go outside. he keeps peeing inside and what's worst is he goes inside the rooms to pee in there. one time he even went on my parent's bed to pee, my parents aren't animal lovers, let's just put it that way so it wasn't a pretty picture after he did it. my sister tried to train him but he's still peeing everywhere, he's 8 months old. What can I do? Whenever I yell at him, he pees even more, you can't yell at him because he pees even more!! I have an older dog that I had since she was a puppy and she's always been well behaved..I don't know what to do with this dog anymore, my parents don't want him if he's going to keep peeing everywhere, Im getting him neutered, but I know that won't fixed the problem. the only reason we're keeping him is because we feel bad, he's cute and all but hes a pain in the butt..and it's not easy training this dog. What can I do???