My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee?

Her chin is puffy and swollen some what do I do? Will she be fine?

    My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee?

    Her chin is puffy and swollen some what do I do? Will she be fine?...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee?...

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    • My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee?

      My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee? General Dog Discussions
      Her chin is puffy and swollen some what do I do? Will she be fine?

      My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee?

      My puppy got stung under the chin by a yellowjacket/or bee? General Dog Discussions
    • My dog got stung on the nose by a bee/wasp. She started getting hives all over her legs. My vet told me to give her benedryl and it worked very well. She weighs 15 llbs and I could give her 1 caplet. (25mg). Your puppy should be ok. Watch out for her breathing in case she is allergic.

    • I'm sure your puppy will be fine. But to help the healing, here are some tips.If the stinger is still in the skin, pull it out with tweezersIf you have some baking soda, mix some with water and wet the chin with it where the sting isGet an ice cube and place it on the sting with a cloth or thin towel around it to reduce swellingBee stings can be treated by giving Benadryl by mouth (Typical dosages: for cats and dogs under 30 pounds, give 10 mg...dogs 30 to 50 pounds, give 25 mg...dogs over 50 pounds, give 50 mg. Use only the plain Benadryl formula)If the swelling gets really bad or the dog is having trouble moving or breathing (or just looking sick), bring your puppy to the vet because allergic reactions from an insect sting can be kind of severe but most dogs aren't allergic.

    • I would call the vet and find out how much benadryl she should take according to her weight. Unless she is having trouble breathing, I would say she is going to be just fine! Good Luck!